
How do i get a good hard serve over the net?

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Ok my coach says the only thing that's going to kill us is the serves she says i am getting better but i cant get close to the net i do the rite form i just need more power i just wanna know how everyone gets so much power?




  1. For a over hand serve you just line your hand up with the ball, raise the opposite hand that is holding the ball up, give the ball a good toss up in the air, make sure the ball hits your wrist and keep an open hand. And with practice it should come!!

  2. I would say hit the ball HARD and CONFIDENT.  Expect the ball to not land in play.  Just focus on the power for a while.  try to find the swing that develops power without worrying about landing it in play.  Once you found your sweet spot, then focus on accuracy.  You have to be confident though, or your shot will always lack the power you have reserved.

  3. you know what i did to make my floating serve hard to dig? i add some jumping in it. you can see in the olympics now. most of the players who do not use spinning jump serve, they are using floating jump serve. by using that, u put yourself on a more parallel angle and you can hit the ball harder because your hitting hand is at a higher point when you jump. but the tossing and timing of the jump is another skill to master.

    or, in the other hand, you can do your standing serve but toss the ball lower than usual and try to hit it as hard and as fast as you can with no follow through. and aim your palm at the centre of the ball. not below it or above it. go try it against a wall to get the feel.

    well, hope these two tips will be much help to you. good luck!

  4. practice. i just naturally have strong arms. plus i play right field in softball and can throw to home plate.

    what i recommend is just doing stuff with hand weights.

    just go up and down that should help.

    practice is important to!

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