
How do i get a high school diploma?

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i didnt get my h.s diploma and i live in texas........ i didnt graduate because of some test c**p called TAKS!..its an exit level test and i didnt pass the math part but i have all my credits and i made good really there a way i can still get my diploma somehow with my transcript???.. showing all my good grades and credits....i doubt it but i had to ask

--thanks anyway =[




  1. you have to go to hs and graduate its toght but study and pay attenton in class n u will do fine

  2. Go back to school and graduate.

  3. Can you retake the test?

  4. I am pretty sure you can take the math portion again. Georgia has a similar test (GHSGT). Just go back and find out when if and when you can test again.  

  5. I'll get you one

  6. retake the test maybe.

  7. Get in touch with your local community college. They offer high school diplomas/GED. Go back it's never to late.  

  8. No, unfortunetly you will have to finish high school. Night classes are sometimes are smaller in evening classes and more help can be given with the math. Check your local vocational schools and see if they offer high school classes. Most of the time those schools have tutors to help you out. I know I needed help to graduate from college with math. I was able to take the test there and everything. Good Luck.

  9. finish in home school and there are places to order high school diplomas online. i was homeschooled after my junior yr of high school because i was sick allll the time and missed alot of school so thats what i did and got my diploma.

  10. Of course. Contact your highschool. You may be frustrated but don't let it get you down. Go to college and make good grades and you'll be on to a rewarding career. Just don't give up!  Your education is vital to your success. You can do it!

  11. call you r old school see how many credits you need to finish yes you can  

  12. Look, people lied to me all my life.  I had to grow up to learn the truth.  Anyone can drop out of high school, get a GED and apply to a college.  Regarless what they tell you, it does not matter what GPA you have in high school.  No one ever asked me what my high school GPA was in the end.  In fact, they never even asked me what my college GPA was.  Sure, I got a College Prep diploma, but was it worth four year of my life?  I mean, I could have dropped out, studied up for the GED and gone on to college to really learn something.  Maybe even tech school?  Get a jump on everyone at 16.  Not bad.  Have more time to party.  Get it out of my system in college or tech school.  Get arrested a few times before 18 for a few misdemeanors, and then finish up, get a job and head for Wallstreet.  Oh, I didn't add traveling around the world and meeting some young girls as I backpacked across Europe thereby learning everything I could ever learn in high school.

    What I know today after four years of high school and ten years of college I never learned from a teacher but from books I read.  No joke.  Well, except for specific physiological organs in the body I can't get out of my mind and a few doodads here and there.

  13. Adult Education.

    They can transfer your records and credits from HS and you can finish it, or just get your GED.

  14. go back to highschool and graduate?

  15. i effin hate taks i just moved to texas they take the taks so seriously

  16. Take it again, and pass.

  17. Call any school Im sure they would be able to tell you.

  18. adult ed

  19. i would go back to high school and try to make up that test and then you should get it.

  20. get help from your local high school for G.E.D. They can help u find the help u need. PEACE

  21. Some Colleges offer G.E.D. or High School Diploma Course's and they will look at your transcript and will be able to help you with what you need. You may jest need to get help in math and they will give you a test to see how you do and help you with what you need to get your Diploma Be positive and do your Best.

  22. pass u grades

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