
How do i get a horse to relle bond with me??

by  |  earlier

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my aunt just got a horse. and i went to the stables she keeps her mare at and theres this horse there. a paint horse named casper. HE IS BEAUTIFUL!! the owner of the stables wife is sick and now he has to take care to the horses but dose not have time to ride them. I now have a job there.I take care of casper and i relle want to get a relle good bond with this horse so any ideas on how i can make him trust me and other things.???? and most of all liek me!




  1. groom him spend time with him and walk him around on the lead and ride most of all spend time with him

  2. Spend lots of time with him :) Groom him, walk him and let him graze, take him trailriding, bring him treats.. lots of TLC :)

  3. Yes, lots of TLC!!! Grooming is really the best way to bond...You really get to know your horse and I find it therapeutic for me as well as the horse:)

  4. Just spend time with him...thats all you can do. Build up trust in one another.

  5. take care of him, spend as much time as possible with him!

  6. Spend quality time with him so he learns to respect you.  Horses do not "like" people in the way that we form relationships.  You could do things like groom him (no cross ties), take him for walks (asking him to move forward, backward, left, right, release hindquarters & forequarters), teach him to trust you enough to ground tie, when you are grooming him, put the brushes down and touch him with your hands -all over- (make sure he accepts each area before moving on) pick up his feet and clean them.  The first thing I do with any new horse is ask them to lower their head - that is the ultimate position of trust for a horse.  Take a lot of time. Don't be in a hurry.  Don't insult his intelligence by asking him to do useless things (ie lunge).  Always allow him to keep his spirit and integrity in tact and he will always be glad to see you and spend time with you.  If you form a good relationship with him on the ground, he will be amazing for you under saddle.  Good luck to you.  You have been offered a wonderful gift and opportunity.  Take full advantage for yourself and for Casper.  These are just some basic beginning ideas.  Hope you can use them.

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