
How do i get a kid to sleep?

by  |  earlier

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seriously..she's like 2 yrs old and it's 10:15 pm she just wont seem to wanna sleep.. I offer her her milk but she doesn't want it, any suggestions?

No stupid answers plz




  1. maybe if she woke up the same time everyday feed her breakfast let her play a while. feed her lunch and try putting her down for a nap no late naps i would say between 11:30-12:00. may be late her sleep for about 2 hours. she gets up give her a snack let her play either inside or take her to a park or something. bring her inside make her dinner every 6:30-7:00 and then give her a bath around 7:30 -8:00 and try putting her down for bed about 8:30 maybe 9:00. and see what happens then.

  2. are you old enough to drive??? take her for a ride in the car if you can...lay down with her....give her a warm bath....let her fall asleep when she wants too....she will get tired and go to sleep

  3. I have babysat children like that before and the best advice I can give you is to try different things. Here are some suggestions:

    *Try singing to her (something classic)

    *Try leaving her in the dark room and stand outside the door for a few minutes to see if she goes to bed.

    *Try reading to her with the lights dim and her in bed.

    (Make sure she is comfortable and ask her if there's anything on her mind; Maybe something is bothering her)

    *Try rocking her in a chair with her in your lap in a semi darkish room.

    *Try rocking her to sleep WHILE singing to her.

    Just try different things. You may have to do all of them but I'm sure she'll fall asleep soon. Good luck! :)

  4. My daughter is only 11 weeks old, so a lot younger, but something I've done since she was born is make a routine! At about 9, we go into her room, change diapers, lotion up really well, change into pj's, and go lay down in the swing or bouncy seat, whichever she's going to sleep in that night. (She's got a cold right now, so can't lay her flat). So far, so good. She's been doing pretty good where she's usually asleep within about 30 minutes. She likes the passi game of spitting it out a few dozen times so I have to put it back in her I hope this isn't a stupid answer. Not trying to be! Hope this helps!

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