
How do i get a kitten to be like me more?

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okay so my sister brought home this cat one day from work (she's 17) and she took it because the people were just going to leave the little kitty in the backyard so she took one and she came home with it, i am like the cat person of our house, all the cats like me best but my sister is being a total control freak about the kitten and she says it's hers and nobody can touch it unless she gives permission, but she won't even let me call the cat by his name (his name is samson) and it really makes me mad and she gets all mad if i try to touch it, so this kitten is 6 weeks old and i need some ways and tips on how to make this new little kitty more fond of me than her because she is going to ruin his life i just know it, she will turn him into a demon kitty because he won't be able to interact with other humans in his kitten years so when he is older he won't even be a nice cat, so i need really need help because i don't want poor little samson to be a demon kitty and i want him to be a nice cat when he is older, i also want to make my sister mad because the cat will like me more to teach her that it's not just HER cat,




  1. ok if you want it to like you try petting it and loving on it, make it fell like your not an enemy. it might just feel like your a mean person. well if your affraid when your near it ,it can tell that your affraid. there alot like dogs!

  2. okay first, it IS her cat but that is really strange behavior,, its weird that she's that controlling=( i would give it treats and pet it a LOT when your sister isnt around

  3. one thing you can do is to give it lots of love and attention when she isn't around.

    Anohter thing is to feed it. This may sound like a no brainer but most cats choose the person that feeds them as their favorite. They will rub and put their scent on that person.

  4. As the cat person in your house, you already know that cats will gravitate toward people who treat them well.  Unless your sister physically locks the cat up away from any contact from you, she can't really keep him totally isolated from you, right?  I'm assuming there are times when you're home and she's not--make friends with him (start through his stomach--give him treats and tidbits) but do refrain from treating him as a posession, as your sister seems to be doing.  Cats can tell who genuinely like them and who doesn't.  'Bout all you can do is be as positive and loving toward him as often as you can to counteract the demon kitty syndrome (surely a girl who would rescue an unwanted kitten isn't all bad....?).  Let the new wear off a little and your sis will likely come around.  But if there's one thing I know for sure, you simply can't MAKE a cat be anything other than what they are!

  5. im sorry but its her cat, she can do whatver she wishes with it. It is more appropriate for it to like HER MORE if it is  HER CAT..i think your just being a spoilt brat and are extremely jealous. Leave the kitten alone, your sister will learn her lesson by should help her look after it instead of trying to take over.

  6. Give it time to get used to you.

  7. ok, you can't make a cat have a personality like yours or change who they will like or dislike. cats are very independent and have very different personalities. sounds like you and your sister needs to grow up about this. come together and share.

  8. Where are your parents in the whole scheme?  Have you tried talking to them?

    NO ONE should use a kitten as a way to control a situation.  Try to look at this from your sisters view; perhaps you are coming on too strong.  I'll bet if you back off and ignore the situation she will lighten up.  She loves it that you are upset.  She may be jealous that you are such a cat person. Just let it go for now, keep busy, act like you don't care.  Once the novelty wears off, she'll let you around Sampson more.

  9. Well when your sister is not around you need to give him all the love you can. Also it would help if you give him treats like:Cheese sticks,left

    over meat,cat treats.And if you do that he will soon love you as much as you love him.

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