
How do i get a photographer pass for the metro station concert at the warfield San Francisco?

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How do i get a photographer pass for the metro station concert at the warfield San Francisco?




  1. Prepare a portfolio.  Contact the bands manager, and/or the promoter and volunteer your services as a still photographer while they are in the area.  Low odds, but it can't hurt to try. Good Luck!

  2. In order to get a press pass, you actually have to work for a publication.

    To get press access at most venues, you have to request them in advance, on the publication's letterhead. You make your request through the venue's PR department. Not all requests are honored--they are evaluated as to whether the requests is from a legitimate agency or not.

    Many PR departments keep databases of publications and clippings, so that they can tell who is actually using the passes they give out. These PR professionals are pretty good at weeding out the recognizable agency request from those that smack of "here's another fan who wants in with a camera."

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