
How do i get a picture on ms paint?

by  |  earlier

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I took a picture with my phone that i really liked it so i sent it to my e-mail then i saved it.I wanted to put it on my aim profile but it said GIF, JPG, OR PNG. I know i have to put it in MS PAINT now because i did research.But how do i do that?I've never used MS PAINT before and when i do how will i put it on my profile on aim??

-thank you




  1. Save the Picture, Open Paint, Click File, Click Open, Click Pictures, then select the picture. Voila.

  2. Go on to MS Paint. File.. Open.. Choose your picture. Then "Save as"

  3. You need to convert it to one of these formats using a free program  

    GIMP, vcvicman's photo editor, or some other program

  4. Save Image to Desktop

    Right Click

    Choose "OPEN WITH"


  5. Yeah its confusing I just copy and paste (when pasting just do CTRL-V).

  6. locate your picture and right click on it and select open-with  and select ms paimt =]

  7. Right click on the picture and click "Open With..." Choose to open with paint. To save it as a gif, jpg or png just go to file, save as.. and choose one of the options.That should do it. Good Luck  

  8. I.  If getting the picture to MS is the problem then do this:

    1.Right click the picture .

    2.Open With:

    A. if MS paint is there , select it .

    B . if not, select from list sometimes its "Choose default program, other". then select MS paint.

    3. it should open

    II. if saving the Picture is the problem , when saving "Save as" from File.

    2.after typing the name of the picture under it there is the File type ,,its is usually BMP , JPG by defualt ... change it to which is desired.

    Good luck

  9. On your keyboard press Pause Break and then print Screen.

  10. right click -->open with--> MSPaint-->save as --->name.ext

    in ext u can give what type of extension u want(.gif, .jpg, .bmp)

    then u can upload.

  11. try just opening a saved picture in ms paint

  12. to put a picture on paint just right click to original picture and select copy then go to paint and go to edit and paste

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