
How do i get a python??? help?

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I desperately want a Ball Python!!!

I have looked at my local pet stores, read the books, searched the web and offered to pay for everything. I have enough money to buy what I don't already have from previous pets and I am able to care for the snake...the only problem? Mom!!! She wont agree, though my dad is fine with it!

i almost had her convinced, but then she changed her mind. Someone tell me what I need to do to get her to agree!





  1. well first of all, find out why she doesn't want a snake.  it might be because they are notorious at escaping. if that is the problem, then tell her that you will invest in a safety screen that goes over the tank.  the steel mesh ones are best, because there is no way that a snake can push that much weight out of the way.

    if she is afraid of feeding live mice, you can get frozen mice to feed the python (thaw them out first!)

    the only other possible issue I can think of is sheer size.  the word "Python" can be a little intimidating, but you can tell your mom that ball pythons only grow to be about 3-5 feet, about the same size as a corn snake.

    hoped this helped, because some people just don't like snakes.  the only other way to get her to agree for sure is to expose her to a ball python, let her hold and interact with one, and i can almost guarantee she will fall in love with them, if she goes in with an open mind.

  2. ahh see i am 15 and my dad was all for me getting a ball python, so i never had to go through that. what is it she says no about? that they are scary, or doesnt think you can handle it?

    well as you know, ball pythons are so easy to take care of. you feed them either every week or every other week, depending on size. and you have to handle them every day. seems easy. if its feeding it that freaks her out, you can feed them live or frozen/thawed, whatever suites you. there are ups and downs of feeding live or f/t, so either one is fine.

    email me on why she says no and i can help you out :)

  3. if there is a privately owned exotic store near you (not petco or petsmart) then you could try getting your mom to go to the pet store with you. the employees are usually more than willing to take snakes out and let you see them and let your mom see them and get close.  if they have a baby ball python the employees might even let you hold one of them. once your mom sees that they are ok and that they don't usually bite maybe she will let you get one eventually. it may take more than one trip to the store to "convince her". just be patient.  the reason why you should go to a privately owned pet store for this...the employees at petco and petsmart wont let you handle snakes that they have. and you wouldn't want to even if they did the snakes there are usually not very healthy.

    good luck with getting a ball python.

  4. Tell her all about the snake that you know. If you know that the snakes normally gets 3-4 feet, but can reach 5-6 feet, just tell her about the 3-4 feet part though. I guess I've been blessed with some great, loving, tolerant parents. I hope this helps.  

  5. I'm in the same boat as you except backwards, ironically. My mom is like sweet!!! and my father is like uhh noooo. Well he grew up where there were rattlesnakes and one went in his boot and almost bit him when he was 7 so now all snakes are satanic? not so fair. but i need help convincing as well. any ideas on getting my dad for it? I gave him all the information and presented it well, if i say so myself. I need to convince him though. Any ideas?

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