
How do i get a restraining order against an abusive parent??

by Guest65829  |  earlier

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I'm 18 in 2 weeks and want a restraining order of harassment against my do i do that????????????????????? no, i'm not some naive teenager i know what i'm talking about.

*my parents are seperated so i don't live with him..i used to and i was on the verge of suicide




  1. If you want it ASAP then the day you turn 18, go to the police and file for a retraining order against him. they might ask for proof but not always. just make sure you tell them the whole truth. and the police should be in his town, and yours. hope everything turns out fine

  2. First of all you do not have to wait until you are 18.  I suggest you call the police on him ASAP.  It is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, it is NOT COOL and it is a very big deal.

    In my state the law is that if the victim is over 16 and the abuse happened within the past 4 hours of notifying the police, the officer is mandated (under pain of being arrested himself) to make an arrest.  I believe it is the only law like that.  Even if it has not happened within 4 hours it is still arrestable but it will be a little tougher for you to show proof.

    If you don't have physical proof you should still call, the officer can help you get your order.  If you have any pictures with you of bruises or injuries then definitely find them!  

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