
How do i get a scrach completly off fiberglass?/ a visor on a football helmet?????

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How do i get a scrach completly off fiberglass?/ a visor on a football helmet?????




  1. You probably can't get it out completely. It depends on how deep it is. You can try using buffing compound to lighten it.

  2. You can't.

  3. Windex??

  4. i have seen a trick car restoration people use on plastic windows on convertibles, they use super fine sand paper and sand out the scratched in the windows. I think though the cost of the sand paper might be more expensive than a new visor.

    P.S. when I mean super fine sand paper I mean something like 5000 grit you will have to go to a true lumber yard. Lowe's and Home Depot don't carry it

    Good Luck

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