
How do i get a zit off before tomorrow, i have Senior pics?

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So i have a huge zit on my nose! BUT! Its under my skin and it won't come out! I freakin have my Senior pictures tomorrow and this thing won't freakin pop!

Last night i washed my face thoroughly with Sea Breeze, then i got a rag and i wet it with hot water, and put it over my face, i did that about 5 times, THEN i got tooth paste and put it on the spot and left it there over night...

I woke up and did the exact same thing! And it still hasn't even opened!

What can i to make it open?




  1. use Neutrogenia, it REALLY works! The same thing happened to me, and I tried it... a few hours later... BAM! it was gone!

  2. You should wash your face as normal and then put toothpaste on it at night to dry it out. Then you should use a foundation or concealer with salicylic acid to treat it as well as cover it. Hope I helped!

  3. Cover-up for tommorow. Go to a local drugstore and get " Zapzyt". It zaps zits in less than a day. The stuff works!

  4. OMG...leave it alone or you're going to have a clown nose tomorrow.  Whatever you do, don't push on it anymore unless it has a head.  It's much easier to cover up if it hasn't been mangled.  Try the toothpaste again tonight.  That will at least help it to go down a little.  Then you can cover it with concealer and powder.

  5. Some things take time. Try doing a really vigorous workout to sweat it open then pop it and put totthpaste on it again.

  6. Not much you can do but the company can take away any imperfections on your skin with computer effects. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

  7. Get some water and boil it. Like totally boiled boiled! Anyways when its done put it in a big bowl and get a towel. Put the bowl on a counter, and bend over it, almost like you were going to put your face into it. but dont! put the towel over the back of your head so that all the steam and vapour coming from the boiling water goes directly to your face. Do this for about 5 minutes. Your face will feel all greasy when your done.  Then wash it with warm water and whatever facewash you use. This totally opens all your pores and washing gets all the possible dirt out. If you want then put some toothpaste on the zit. If this doesnt minimize the size or appearance of the zit, then i know its bad but cover it up. Of course it would better to do right before the picture and to clean it off right after.  

  8. Don't fret! A lot of photographers offer retouching for just a little bit more money. They can make your skin look even and take away blemishes.

    I'd continue to do what you're doing, but if it doesn't go away, I'd ask your photographer about retouching.

  9. Nothing happens overnight. Most pictures (school, professional, etc.) Allow you to get them "touched up" To remove imperfections, so you have great skin in your pictures. Don't worry about it. If it turns red, just use makeup to cover up the redness. No biggie.


    if you do it'll be all red and won't go away by tomorrow.

    just use a lot of cover up on your nose tomorrow.  

  11. Stop trying to pop it. You will end up being rudolph the zit nose reindeer in the morning. keep washing it and put some makeup on it.  Look for a really good face wash.

  12. Don't even worry about. As long as you're going to a professional photographer, it will be edited out of the photos. Sometimes you have to pay a little extra and sometimes it is included in the package.

    So don't stress!

  13. you need to wait till it comes to a head, you are just irritating it by trying to pop it.

  14. If it's under the skin, do not attempt to pop it or your nose will turn red...although this really doesn't matter.

    I work on the newspaper and yearbook club at my highschool and the senior pictures will always be touched up with photoshop (not altering your appearance of course) to get rid of the hair frizzies and making your skin look clearer.  If you've ever looked at yearbook pics you will notice that they always look 'soft' instead of 'sharp'.  Just look the best you possibly can tommorow and everything will be fixed with a photo editor.  Smile big, this is the pic that everyone will remember you by and you want to look great!

  15. The only thing I could say would be to wash it vigorously with soap, water and a cleanser.

    Also, this is super gross, and I'd never do it, but some people say if you put a dab of your own urine on it, then it's go away in ten minutes... I doubt this works, and I wouldn't try it, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

    If all else fails, I guess you'll just have to resort to concealer or something if it means THAT MUCH to you!

  16. i don't think you can do anything. but the more you bother it the longer its gonna stay. just put some make up on it if it isn't gone by tomorrow.

  17. ha ha sucks to be you, don't you love being a teenager. Don't worry about a zit. Thats why photographers use photo shop, they could make you look like a model if you wanted.

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