
How do i get album artwork onto my albums on itunes ?

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the songs on my ipod is just the greay box , how do i get the artwork onto the albums for free , i clicked the ( get the album artwork ) but u need an itnes account so that probably means u need 2 pay fotr it so how can i do it ? thanks




  1. Select all the songs in the album and click on "Get Album Artwork". If iTunes recognizes the album and sells it, it will get the artwork. If that doesn't work you can select all the songs in the album and right click and select "Get Info". A smaller window will open with an empty box for artwork. You can drag in almost any image to use as album art. You can find album art by searching for the album on Amazon or Wikipedia. You can even drag the image from the web page onto the artwork box.

  2. No you don;t have to pay.  Google image serach the album cover, save it in your Itunes 'album artwork' folder, highlight the songs from said album, and you drag the image down in to the box where it says 'drag album artwork here'.

  3. itunes is free, so sign up. I get album art work from itunes and don't pay at all, the only fee is for downloading new songs. When you have itunes, right click on   an album and select get album artwork, it should work.

  4. Select the song you want to get the artwork for.

    Find the artwork on google image search or amazon.

    Drag the artwork into the white square at the bottom left of the screen on itunes.

    Then it should apply the artwork.

    By the way you don't have to pay for a itunes account, you only have to pay when you download music or video.

  5. You need to get an Itunes account. This shouldn't cost you anything.

    Then you log-in to itunes. After this you can simply right-click and click update album art work.

    You have to enter the album as it is shown in itunes store or it will not update the album.

    Also, if the album is not available on the itunes store, you could:

    Go to amazon and the drag the artwork off your browser into the itunes artwork space on the bottom left corner of the itunes display. It should copy it in.

    Hope this helps.

  6. get an itunes account, it's free (like no monthly charge i mean), you only pay when you purchase songs. :)

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