
How do i get alot of money?

by  |  earlier

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i need money really bad, just to live from, and to enjoy things. I dont have a job and im a full time student at PSU. I need something online to make a decent living, and surveys and other scams dont really give enough cash... so please help out




  1. It's one thing or the other: student life or real work. No magic formula here.

  2. Hey, I'm a student too and try make my living online since this way I can manage my own hours ... you know...

    Lately I have been turning some good profits from an online advertising program that pays for viewing websites a few minutes each day.

    You may want to check it out yourself.

  3. prostitution.

    lol jk

  4. Get a job and save

  5. uhh wrong section, but if there was a reason for asking this in swimming and diving then i would say be a lifegaurd

  6. Yeah when i was a full time student, I worked 30 hours a week, got A's and B's and paid my own rent, food, and gas.

    But I am a Renaissance man though.

  7. I had a full-time job as a bartender when I was in school. Sounds like you should sell your blood plasma or be a sperm donor.

  8. then maybe u will have 2 be a part time student then

  9. it depends on what education you have or are working at. a good part time job is graphic designer.

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