
How do i get an idea on what s*x my pied cockatiel is without...?

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doing DNA. Doas anybody know?




  1. Actually you can physically s*x most cockatiels without needing DNA.  The males have dark cheek patches and the females don't.  

    If you know what pearling is, the female will retain the pearling but the males won't.  So if there is pearling on it then it is more than likely a female or a young male.

    Pearling looks like small pearls going up the upper area of the tail and back.  

    The only cockatiel that needs DNA'ing is the white face lutinos.


  2. DNA is the best way to go. It only cost me $30. It was worth finding out that Sunny is a boy.

  3. Without DNA you can guess male tiels are more vocal in general whistling and sometimes can learn to talk. You can request a free DNA kit from also known as animal genetics it only cost $20. I use them all the time as a bird breeder including cockatiels and they are very accurate, they have to be there reputation as a reliable company is on the line.

  4. It takes practice but here is how you do it.

    Lay the bird on its back in the palm of your hand... Use your fingertips to press against the pelvic region of the bird.

    Now, had you practiced this on a know Male, female pair of birds You would note that the female pelvis has a flexibility that the male does not.

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