
How do i get baby to fall asleep by himself?? hes 8months.?

by  |  earlier

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my son is 8 and half months old, and im having trouble with him sleeping in his own bed. hes fine when he falls asleep on me and i can put him down easy. But when i leave him to fall asleep on his own he starts screaming! Hes very stubborn! he wont give up crying! i left him one day to fall asleep and he cried for an hour non stop! (my poor baby! yep and i know.. naughty me!) but i dont know what else to do.. I want to return back to work soon.. please help.. anyone :)




  1. I agree, try the "cry-it-out" method, it is hard to hear your baby cry, but it does work, my son sleeps right through the night because of this method, it took a few days maybe a week for him to get the message, but honestly... it really does work :)

    good luck x

  2. I have to agree with the first answers. We tried everything. My daughter was waking up up to 10 times a night, and now i'm pregnant again, it just became a nightmare. We tried everything to get her to sleep, but in the end, we let her cry it out, going in every 5 minutes, and she was sleeping through after 5 days. With your son, you also have to make sure you look for the warning signs that he is tired, and put him in his cot, as soon as you notice, even during the day for naps.

    It is a lot easier to do if you have a friend come over to help you through it.

    When you leave him to cry though, don't leave him for any longer than 20 mins. Once you get to 20, keep going in every 20 mins. If he has been crying for over an hour and a half, pick him up and give him a bottle. Once he has finished, put him back down and start again.

    Good luck.

  3. My one did too. Everytime I put him down he opened his eyes.  

    Then I went back to work and slept harder.  Then he worked out I was not going to pick him up.  

    It will be fine.

  4. I agree with some of the other posters.  I had to do this with my son and he has now been sleeping through the night for the past 5 months.  It IS heartbreaking to listen to them cry for these periods but it does work.  The good thing (if it is good) is that at night time, they might cry for an hour or two (yes I said two) but they do eventually go to sleep.  The next morning get your son up at normal time, dont let him sleep in and go about your day as normal.  Then at bed time - do the same thing that you did the night before. Please though BE CONSISTENT.  If you arent it will just drag on.  Your son will also realise if he cries for a certain period of time you will come and pick him up and take him to your bed.  You have to be stronger, like I said sometimes it goes longer than one or two hours.  I think for my son the longest has been about 2 and a half hours.  And I was constantly going in and out.  

  5. I had the same problem with my 1st daughter when she was about the same age. I got advise from health visitor. She told me at bed time to just put her down with her dummy, say goodnight and then leave her. If she scream let her scream constantly for 5 mins and then go in and lie her down again and walk out room. Then leave her for 10 mins and so on adding 5 mins every time. It is so hard to listen to your baby screaming but i promise give it a few days and it does work. I then done the same with my 2nd daughter and my two kids always went to bed themselves awake and slept all the way through which they still do to this day and they are 2 1/2 and 1 1/2.  

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