
How do i get better a being a goalkeeper in soccer?

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How do i get better a being a goalkeeper in soccer?




  1. One way is mentality. Be a monster, get in the zone, feel like your the best on the field and no ones gonna beat you. Some tips for diving as well. A good way for handling the ball if it is in the air and you make a dive, while you fall, hit the ball on the ground as you land. This makes sure it does not go rolling to a striker and cushions your fall. A good training exercise is to face your back to someone, about 4 metres a part, and they say turn, and then kick it to you. As you get better you can listen for the sound of the kick. This can improve reflexes. And dont forget fitness training.

  2. It is a natural human reaction to freeze up in front of danger like a deer caught in a car's headlights. A goalkeeper cannot afford to succumb to normal human reactions. You have to go after every shot, even at practice even if they don't think they can get to it. Many time, goalies stretch their limits and make a save that seems impossible to them. I don't know your skill level but you can read or watch how professional goalkeepers position themselves and react to different shots.

  3. Not knowing more about your age and skill level, it's hard to give you a very specific answer.

    Here's one thing I know, though. The best goalkeepers don't hesitate to hit the pitch (field) at top speed.

    You can practice by having a friend take penalty shots against you. As you get better at blocking them, have your friend move closer and closer. This will force you to improve reaction, speed, and aggressiveness.

    Good luck!


  4. Hi.

    I hope by telling you what you need to improve and showing you what to do to improve these things, you'll notice a big improvement in your game.

    1) Have the right mentality: be brave and confident

    2) Practice getting your positioning right

    3) Practice shot stopping as much as you can

    4) Practice your distribution

    5) Understand that you have to command your goal area by communicating with your defence and coming off your line when appropriate

    If you were able to do each of these five things then no matter what level you are at your game will improve all round.

    But if you still need to know HOW to improve each of those areas, then that is quite a big topic. There's information on the role of a soccer goalie at

    and there are some great tips and skills on and I think that this will have everything you're looking for.

    I hope this answer helps.

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