
How do i get better a soccer??????????

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I am the fastest person on my team and i can do the most of every workout there is but i cant get it right.




  1. practice , sign up for some soccer camps  

  2. practice

  3. i used to be rubbish at football nd im not sayin that im excellent but ive got better i play outside my house with m cousin who lives oppositefor about 3/4 hours,you should do the same, its got me better play wit a relative the same age or  friend who lives nearby.  

  4. you just got to practice, it's not all about how fast you are, you have to know when to make the right runs, you have to have good vision and skills. yes, skills, not just juggling but working on doing moves like turns, stepovers, scissors, and remember that practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

  5. give up soccers a ***** european sport

  6. just keep practicing and soon you will be the best one on the team i no it because i bet u the other people arent asking how so just PRACTICE!!!

  7. Cheat.

  8. Practice, and enjoy the game.

  9. well practice alot  and you would get it right!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck

  10. pratice, obviously ?

  11. practice.

  12. practice practice practice

  13. thats why you practice

  14. watch soccer clips and try to do like they do just show of to ur team that u are the best player be angry with ur team so they will be passing u very fast and never stop practicing  

  15. whatever aspect of soccer you want to get good at, PRACTICE IT.l

  16. play every single day and you will get a lot better

  17. practice make perfect

  18. all you can do is practice.

    and i know you probably hate it,

    but the only way to get better at something

    is to keep giving it your all!

  19. well my friends always get a trainer or get extra time of practice w/ either their coach or the best & strongest player on their team

  20. Get someone to help and play with you

  21. well, i love soccer and i would suggest that if you have the money to get a presonal trainer. i had one and he helped a lot. also, like everyone said, practice makes perfect! if you are in a club, maybe ask the coach the level ahead of you to help you. then he'll reliaze that you are a determined soccer player and maybe just maybe move you up.

    hope that helped!

  22. give up, you probably are lieing and you are really bad

  23. Do you have a more experienced player on the team? Even though your the fastest, it doesn't amount to much if you can't do anything when you catch up with the guy :-) See if you can find someone more experience and ask if they could help you with your technique.

    Good Luck!

  24. join a training club

  25. i have seen you play, what do you mean you cant get it right?

    you are good at soccer.

  26. Practice a lot, and if you still aren't getting any better, maybe you could try a different sport. There are lots out there. Also, maybe, you could search on the Internet and find some workouts to do on your own when you are practicing. If you practice a lot, trust me, you will soon be the best player on your team.

  27. Maybe its just not for you, try basketball

  28. the only thing you can do to get better is keep working at it.

  29. practice

  30. Practice makes Perfect.

  31. practice hard, you'll get there!!!!

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