
How do i get better in blocking?

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How can i make it so I can jump higher to get up and block? Also for jumping up for spiking?




  1. your best bet is to do plyometrics (high knees, butt kicks, frog jumps, long jumps, etc.)

    I know at the beginning of the season, I could barely get my fingertips above the net.

    our coaches made us do plyos, and now, I can get above the net almost to my elbows. =]


    just think big first step (drive toward the net), when you're about to jump, bend your knees, make sure your legs are squared up, then jump straight up (not into the net). use your arms to pull you up; this momentum combined with your driving to the net will get you a really high jump.

  2. Don't squat low before jumping... you'll end up in the net. Just jump natural. If the hitter's a bit off (a not so good set, p***e) then penetrate (hands over the net a bit) and ROOF THEM.

    Hitting... use a good approach. Left, right left. Talk to your coach if you're not sure exactly how to do. A lot of it is practice. First step is adjustment, and the second two are for planting. Before you jump, your knees should be bent like ninety degrees and make sure you're swinging your arms to get yourself higher + use momentum.

    Overall, do some conditioning (again, talk to coach) and just practice jumping. Eventually you'll jump higher.

  3. If you left weights and improve your leg strength you will get a better vertical jump, which will make your block more affective

  4. just practice jumping and get your vertical better and for spiking :p, love it, just think in your mind and your feet will just follow.

  5. First off, jump at the same time the hitter jumps. Second, block their HAND, not the BALL. If you try to block the ball, you'll hardly ever block it. Just block at the area where their hand is.

    When you put your hands up to block, make sure you shrug your shoulders and keep your fingers wide apart and hold them as if their shaped around the ball. Keep them stiff, like a bear's claw.

    those are the basics.. hope it helps


  6. blocking::start with ur knees slightly bent, elbows bent with ur hands out in front of ur face. u know the greater than less than signs in math? welll make ur thumbs and pointer finger look like those. when u jump, just jump up and extend ur hands up lik superman w/ ur thumbs pointing up. DONT FLICK UR WRISTS!

    hitting::we do the 4 step approach-start w/ ur right foot forward, and then step "right (little step).....left (bigger step)....right (point right foot towards settter)..left (end up facing the setter). on ur third step, swing ur arms back-it helps u jump higher. on the third and last step ur planting ur feet in spot, and the steps are quick. when u go to hit, its like serving-its a really fast bow and arrow but u have a guide arm that stays up til u swing down

  7. there are two ways to answer this question.  One is how to work on jumping higher, while the other is the skills to make your blocking better.

    To work on your jumping, there are various things that you can do.  The core muscles of jumping are your calves, quads and hamstrings.  Your arms and shoulders are used a lot as well (in the swing to help elevate).  The only way to get better at something is by doing it.  So if you want to get better at jumping, you have to jump.  By doing various styles of plyometrics you can train and strengthen your muscles to jumping.  Combine both speed drills (line jumps, ladder) as well as power drills (boxes, bungees).  

    The skills to blocking you should already somewhat know.  Coaches teach differently such as squat blocks v.s. swing blocks.  Follow your own coaches digression on which technique to use.  One key is to make sure that you jump straight up, do not drift, this can lead to easily being used (tooled), many net violations, but most importantly multiple injuries.  Once you are in the air, straight up you should press your hands and arms over the net as far as you can to take away more hitting area from your opponent.  Your thumbs should be pointed to the sky and pinky's to the antenna's, with the rest of your fingers spread out as far as possible.  Make sure that if you are blocking on either outside, you turn your hands in towards the court.  

    Always keep you eyes on the ball, and Good Luck

  8. you might want to try getting Jumping Training.

    i got it during my club year, because my club provided it. but check out fitness and agility centers and they'll have good excercises and programs that will help you increase your vertical.

    when you're blocking and hitting, just try and get your timing down. and you'll be fine (:

  9. every day pracitce half an hour on the ground jumping and half an hour on a tramaline ( it can be a small one )

  10. Increasing your vertical will help for both blocking and spiking. One way to increase your vertical is to do calf raises. To do calf raises, you can stand on the edge of a step, and rise up onto your tip toes, then lower yourself back down.

    For spiking, when you take your first step of your approach, bring your arms out staight in front of you, and then when you are getting ready to jump, pull them back, and then bring them back up to spike. It might sound confusing, but it works.

  11. BLOCKING: once u think that they are gonna spike it, bend down and be ready to junmp. experment to see which way is the best way for you to jump.

    SPIKING: for me, someone will set me the ball and then i would think in my head where it would land. then i would take my steps usually right left and jump vice versa but usually left right jump. For me on the team, we have to spike DEEP (deep into the court) So yeah, hope i helped, GOOD LUCK :]

  12. well, it always helps if your tall. if your not, blocking probably isnt your forte. idk what to say about blocking; jump high, fast, and get your hands over the net.

    for hitting, get ready with your left leg bent in front like your gonna run a race

    (four step aproach) two steps: right left, straight forward. then turn your right foot on the next step, plant your left shouldar width apart, jump and rotate your core.

    (two step) same, exept cancel the first two steps.

  13. blocking- make sure that you start with your hands and feet parallel to the net, get down low so you get more power into yo your jump and make sure that you aren't running in to block because that makes it more likely for you to run into the net which will lose you the point whether you block it or not. so make sure you're there early and you have enough time, and when you jump make sure you jump straight up and not forward. Also, be sure to keep your hands stiff so that the ball doesn't kill your fingers when you block a powerful spike.

    spiking: make sure your approach is consistent, do your steps, right left right or left right left, experiment and use whichever you are comfortable with. be sure to swing your arms back and bend your legs before you jump up to spike; these two are key to having a powerful spike.

  14. well everybody pretty much covered everything about hitting....

    as for blocking: jumping high and getting you hands as high over the net isnt always the best thing. a guy on my team is  

    6 5', touches 10 10', and cant block worth a dam. the key to blocking is pushing over the net. seal the net. low and tight. also jump into the court and angle your hands SLIGHTLY into the court. this will help from balls hitting your outside hand then going out. also tighten you abs when you jump. this helps for stronger arms so your roofs will be fierce.

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