I want to be much more muscular than my present state . Bigger and more impressive as well as possesing explosive and maximal strength and being able to go 3 intense five minute rounds with 1 minute breaks UFC style. Or basically just have anaerobic endurance and explosiveness while being impressively muscled and cut. How can I do this. I wnat to focus more on my upper and lower back, as in traps, lats and spinae erectors, and also glutes and hammies. As well as having very strong shoulders and powerfull and powerfull looking upper body. Basically I wnat to look like a beast and be able to perform even bettetr than I look., I knwo it entails hatrd , hard , puke enducing work, but how can I do it, any good books or certain routines? Do I really need to eat a lot? As of now I can go three 2 minut rounds of heavy bag striking.I follow this with 5-6 rounds of 15 all out burpees folowed by 100 meter all out sprints and walk/jog back to start. Should I stay with cardio or strengh building?