
How do i get bigger shoulders, wider chest, smaller butt, and smaller thigh?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get ready and in shape for school. but i need to get bigger shoulders, wider chest, smaller butt, and smaller thigh. you can say im fat on my lower part, but not the top part. wat kind of exercises/work out can i do to work on those areas? i cant go to the gym tho, i can only work out at home




  1. ok this is a cheat code for real life ok listen: jump exactly 72 times, then run at 5.7 km/h for 40 metres then do a backflip followed by changing the tv channel exactly 4 times then throw any object at the ground. Bam instant big shoulder, wide chest no chest.

    Seriously though, what do you think? excercise...darrrrrrr

  2. exercise

  3. running 20 minutes  , lifting weight and only using small weights .every other day

  4. i jogged during the weekends everyweek and it helped me

  5. Use Herbalife nutrition program. Is affordable and can improve your health in many areas, increase energy level and of cause shape up. If u interested to know more. Do email me or sms me at 90601853

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