
How do i get blood out...?

by  |  earlier

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of pants? They've been washed twice, each time in cold water and there's still a stain. Help?




  1. hmmm... try oxyclean :) that always works for me :) good luck! i hope it wasnt your fav pair :( thats never fun

  2. Soak overnight in cold water with salt in it.


  3. SHOUT, cold water wash, and then dry in the direct sunlight.  You may have to do this repeatedly.

  4. Try oxi-clean

  5. When I was in nursing we had to wear white uniforms, caps and nylons. A day didn't go by, that we didn't get a spot or two of blood some where on our clothing. Strait alcohol worked great for a quick fix. For washing, Spray a little "Shout" on the area. When it doubt.... Shout it out. I assume it is still sold on the shelves. I haven't had to wash any blood stains in a long time.  

  6. ace bleach i used this to get blood out of my nightshirt after i gave birth to daughter and worked brilliant.

  7. you should have used peroxide when the stain was first there... try now, but it could be too late and the stain may have set in...

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