
How do i get bread to stay on my fishing hook ?

by Guest56354  |  earlier

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Then if i make it in too toast will perch and chub and roach like it ??




  1. Cut it up into small pieces and add a little water and make it into a dough, then mold it into small balls in your hands then apply around the hook shank, making the bread into toast will not work and will fall off the hook even quicker.

  2. mo' buttah

  3. Never had much luck using bread as bait, however you might try a small minnow with a small jig, lite weight line a just enough weight to sink works great.

    Jerry L

  4. make it into toast x

  5. sorry the truth is bread will not stay on the hook very long. the water will start to dissolve it causing it to fall apart. there is a simple solution and cheap use sheer panty hose . fold it around the bait tight then wrap with thread and tie off. this has the potential to last all day.remember you can`t catch fish with the bait constantly out of the water re applying bait.

  6. There's other baits that'll do the job a bit better but, if your adamant on bread try wrappin' it in a small piece of women's panty hose. Cinch remains of nylon up with thread usin' half-hitches ta' hold it together then put her on the hook. Not guaranteein' it but ~ give it a shot ;)...< ' ( (( > <

    Note: Here be some thread that ya' don't have to use knots with (I'll use it for tying berry sacks, driftin' Steelhead and or Salmon):

    Update: Oops, "you asked" already posted the panty hose. Sorry but, least ya' got the Magic Thread link ;)...

  7. perch are predators so dont eat bread try worm 4 perch chub are omnivors so worm is beter for them well to keep bread on the hook it will only ever last 1 cast and only last 5 mins in the water  so 1 either use a crust or 2 compact the center inot a dough ball and take bits off and use that need any more advie email me.;-)

  8. if you use soft white bread and pinch the bread onto the shank of the hook leaving some flaky edges that will stay on your hook

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