
How do i get cats out of my garden?

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How do i get cats out of my garden?




  1. Go to your local farm and home supply store and buy some rebar and chicken wire and put up a small fence around your garden. Make sure to pull the chicken wire tight so it doesn't sag. I did this and my animals (cats and dogs) never get into my garden. (Rabbits and other small critters stay out as well.) Good luck.

  2. You need to plant kittens and water well, then wait for about 4 months

  3. Get dogs in you're garden. problem solved.

  4. I don’t understand why people want to live in the “country” – have flower and vegetable gardens – and get rid of the birds, insects, cats, dogs, rabbits, moles, etc., etc., etc. Why not move to the city and put a few window boxes on your window sills – problems solved.

    To answer your question: Move to the city and put out window boxes or stick to houseplants. No more gardens.

    Although I have never tried this; putting down wire netting over the soil or branches with thorns are supposed to work. The cats don’t like walking on either substrate.

  5. 16 ga shotgun sounds good to me.

  6. If your kind maybe make an area that they will be drawn to, i.e. a shady spot with catmint and some dry soil. They might hang out there instead of where your more important plants are.

  7. A little red pepper sprinkled around the perimeter ought to stop them. Personally, I use a 16 ga. shotgun.

  8. a dog should do the trick.  or a motion-activated security light.  make sure it doesn't shine into the neighbors' windows.

  9. You can buy stuff at a pet store that you can sprinkle around the garden.  It's safe for your plants too.

  10. I use moth balls by the boxes full.  I have alot of container plants and also flower beds, doesn't make the "precious" little things any difference where they go to the bathroom as long as it's in or close to a flower!!  Seriously the moth balls will help, espically in the containers.  I do use them in my garden and all but a few old and wiser cats have decided they can put up with the smell of moth balls.  Do replace them every month or so to be effective.

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