
How do i get drunk quick how much to use?

by  |  earlier

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I have uv lemonade and vodka sweden or something how much do i have to drink to get drunk i never been drunk before and want to esperince it




  1. if you've never been drunk before you probably only need a little

  2. drink vodka, or take one shot of absynth .. ist like 60%


  3. if you drink vodka pure then you should get drunk. depends if your sharing it with someone ;) just dont overdo it :P

  4. just drink slowly try wine its a nice tatse but stop when youve had to much and don't be afriad to stop and say thats enough for me.

    keep in mind that alcohol is adictive and a killer but when your responsible for your own safty it can losen the restraints  that you impose on your life.

    ps do it with friends not by yourself

    depending on how old you are just try little often at the weekend

  5. Probably not much! Make sure you eat a good decent meal a few hour b4.and sip your drinks,dont drink them like your drinking a can of coke (which i tend to do) that way you will get drunk slowly rather than getting totally shitfaced within an hour or two

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