
How do i get easy teamwork points in warhawk

by Guest57694  |  earlier

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I need Sargent rank and i need bandit teamwork first. Ive had 27 teamwork points B4 but i dont even know how to get them so umm help plz




  1. humm....idk. but if you play CTF try driving the person with the flag back to your base. nd i think trying going around and gettin zones may help get teampoints.

    good luck!

  2. you get team points for: base captures, including co-captures, kill assists (where someone else kills someone you damaged you get an assist), for flag grabs, and for flag captures. Also maybe for flag carrier kills, I'm not sure cause I don't do ctf much.

    You can get a ton of team points just by running around taking bases. And if someone captures your base, hang around till they leave then take it back (throw a couple grenades in first in case of mines of course). More than you get for assists.

    One of the easiest ways to score team points is to join a ctf game and just run around taking bases all the time while everyone else worries about the flags. It's stupid but it works.

    Good luck

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