
How do i get emotionally stronger

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ok i want to go to the marines when i am 18 years old but i tend to be on the sensitive side i cant controll getting upset and its kinda embarrassing so if anyone can help me i am 14 years old so i have 4 years until i enlist so i would really like if someone could give me tips or ideas to help me get stronger.. thanks to whoever helps me




  1. Life is going to toughen you up son, over the next four years.  I agree, get involved in competitive sports both to help keep you in good shape and also to learn discipline.  Keep enough of the sensitiveness to be a decent person and you will be a top notch soldier.

  2. Wow...I applaud your goals and your looking to work to accomplish them even now.  You are a very special young person.  Like the others I believe life will change you, toughen you up, over the next four years.  I would suggest you get into martial arts if at all possible as it is both a discipline of the mind and body.  Good luck to you.

  3. Tyler, without even trying in four years you are going to go through so many changes.  Give yourself a chance.  There is nothing wrong with being sensitive, just know that you have to not be overly sensitive or let it control your life.  You have lot's of time to toughen up.  Try sports, it's a good starting place.

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