
How do i get fit enough to run a 9km race on the 28th september?

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the other day at the gym i ran 2.5k in 10mins but it was on a treadmill so i got bored. lol i can usually run 4k at a decent pace without stopping. i was just wondering if i could actually do the race in 2.5 months but not have to run really slow or walk i parts

thanks :)

btw ive heard that the best way to prepare yourself is to run 2-3x the race distance but thats just making me feel worse about my dwindeling fitness




  1. I would try following a plan, say Hal Higdon's 10K novice plan:

    Cross refers to cross training -- i.e. cycling, swimming, hiking.  I know he's using miles; but you can pretty easily convert the miles to kilometers.  That plan is 8 weeks in length.  You have more time than that, so go slow and be careful.  If you can't run 3 miles yet (about 5k), do a few weeks of trying to work up to where you can comfortably run 5K at a time.  Use walking breaks as necessary and go slow -- you have plenty of time to be ready by September 28, but you need to be careful and don't go too fast.  Patience is a virtue for a runner!

  2. Don't know how much you are training.....but you simply need to run 3-4 days a week minimum.  Then each week to 10 days do a long run 7 to 8 miles (this will work fine for a long run getting yourself ready for this distance).  Rest of the week run between 2-6 miles each time out.  I'd only run 2 miles like once a week b/c anything less than 15 min. of running isn't going to benefit your endurance much.  Good Luck

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