
How do i get food stuck off my microwave?

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hi i have been having issues with removing food severely stuck to my microwave. i have used everything from clorox clean up with bleach to antibacterial cleaner and nothing has worked. can some one give me some advice how to get it off? thanks!




  1. boil water in there with no lid.  the steam will loosen the stuck on gunk.


    Easy-Off heat activated cleaning wipes (link above)

    I've used these and they really work. As you heat the towelette pouch in the microwave, special cleaners are released that soften and loosen baked-on food residue. Allow the pouch to cool. Then, use the warm towelette to wipe the interior clean.

  3. yep! it's very easy. Put a bowl of water in the microwave and turn it on to boil. When your insides are all wet let it set for about 1/2 hour. Bingo you can now wipe clean. If it's really bad do it again until all is gone..

    Happy cleaning!!

  4. It really depends on WHAT food is stuck there.. If it was something that got overheated and splattered with enough heat to melt into the plastic, you may be stuck with it permanently!  I would suggest trying a gentle solution of baking soda and dish soap (about 1 tablespoon of each) to make a mildly abrasive paste.  Rub this gently onto the stain and perhaps let it set for a few minutes to try to penetrate the area. Use a sponge and light pressure at first, and hopefully the mess will come out. Try to avoid harsh chemicals in the microwave because residue can vaporize and contaminate your food.  GOOD LUCK!  

  5. Fill a measuring cup with water and boil the water in the microwave.  This will loosen the stuck food particles.

  6. Use a mild "oven cleaner" spray it on, wait overnight and then wipe clean.  To keep food from exploding and sticking in the future, always cover your dishes with a papertowel or plastic wrap or leave the lid on containers with a little air getting in when cooking.  

  7. fill a bowl with water, and stick it in the microwave for about 5 minutes, and let it sit for a while after the timer goes off, then take a sponge or rag, and wipe it off. if the gunk is greasy, try putting a little bit of soap in the water before cooking it. DON'T put the soap on the rag/sponge. it'll never come off, and will make food smell like soap.

  8. You can put some water in a cup..some times they use lemon too..and then heat the water for two minutes...sort of steams and loosens..

    BTW...applying with any solution and letting stuff sit a couple minutes (floor, walls stove) allows cleaners to work.

    Good luck.

    I'll look up web links and update. Other responses...

    I boil a cup of water with a couple tablespoons of lemon juice, a couple lemon slices, or a couple tablespoons of vinegar in it. You can heat it just to boiling, 2 or 3 minutes, then let it sit there for 10 minutes. The steam will loosen all the gunk stuck to microwave. Take a clean rag and wipe it out. This is what I always do, and it's never failed me yet. Good luck!

    Here's a little trick that my mom taught me. She told me that general every day cleaners aren't good for the inside of your microwave, plus you put FOOD in there do you really wanna risk chemical contamination with something you are putting on your children's plates? So what my mom did was she would fill a measuring cup up with water and boil the c**p outta it in the microwave. The steam that's put off by the water softens all the stuck on food and splatters and when it's done BE VERY CAREFUL REMOVING THE HOT WATER dump it out ( boiling water works well to clean out the kitchen drain and disposer).

    Then take a few paper towels and simply wipe it out. It works like magic with no chemicals to speak of.

    Clean sponge, too

    Either squeeze half a fresh lemon, or pour a few tablespoons of lemon juice into your WET kitchen sponge. Place it in the center of the microwave on a plate. Heat the sponge for 90 seconds. Pull the plate out (careful it is HOT) and wipe your microwave out with a damp cloth... Not only will you un-stick the food inside, you will also disinfect your sponge!!! I do this once a week to keep the nasty smells out of my sponge and microwave.

  9. Steam the stuck on stuff first; use a bowl of water in the microwave. But don't boil it for too long, because when you over-boil the water can suddenly explode out of the container when you take it out of the microwave. Just steam, scrub, repeat. It takes a bit of elbow grease.

  10. I use windex.  Spray...let it soak...spray again and wipe w/ paper towels.  Repeat until the mess is gone.  if that doesn't work....what the h**l are you eating?!  lol

  11. Maybe try to soak the food off by putting wet towels on the spot overnight.

  12. Try this, it works...

    Get a bowl, and fill it with Vinegar... then microwave the vinegar for 5-10 minutes...

    once you have done that, get some table salt, and scrub it with a brillo pad....

    it works AWESOME!!!!!!

  13. Wet a dishcloth and place in the center of your microwave.  Turn on

    high and allow the cloth to sort of cook for about 30-40 seconds.  The

    steam that this creates will loosen any hardened spills and you can

    then use the heated cloth to wipe the inside clean.  DON'T TRY TO USE THE CLOTH IMMEDIATELY; it will be very hot.  This is a great

    way to disinfect your dishcloth, too.

  14. After you do what the first answerer said, make a mixture of water and vinegar an use it to clean the inside of the microwave.  

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