
How do i get from Boston to Quebec?

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I'm planing on going from Boston to Quebec, Canada i don't want to go by plane i would like to go by bus, please let me know which bus takes there and does it make any stops? or if you can provide me with a website thanks in advance :)




  1. Boston-Montreal, Greyhound bus, daily schedule:

    08:00am 03:00pm 7h, 0m  

    10:00am 05:35pm 7h, 35m  

    12:05pm 08:55pm 8h, 50m  

    02:45pm 09:45pm 7h, 0m  

    04:00pm 02:10am 10h, 10m

      05:00pm 05:20am 12h, 20m  

      11:45pm 06:45am 7h, 0m  

    BEWARE!!!!    buses SUCK!!!

  2. I am not sure if there is a bus to Quebec City, but you can go via Montreal.  Check the websites of Greyhound and of Canada Coach.

  3. the Amtrak goes from Boston's South Station or Back Bay Station to Quebec Canada Just Go to and Look for all the information you'll need

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