
How do i get good grades in 6th grade?!?

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I'm an 11 year old and i'm going into 6th grade but it's still elementary school where i live. And i want to get really (puts on emphasis) good grades this year. At least 3 A's and 2 B's if not straight A's. So i need some tips on how to get good grades because i also forget where i put my home work some-times.*blushes* so please if you people could give me some tips before august 25th you'd really save my life here. Thank you!




  1. 1st of all, you're very eloquent for only being 11. Most people your age aren't even good at expressing themselves. So my 1st impression of you is that you're very smart. I have no doubt that you will do fine in school.

    The main key is to focus, focus focus. Nothing good ever happens unless you put a lot of effort in it and make it happen.

    The 2nd thing is to identify what your weakness is and work extra hard on that. For me it was history. I could not remember dates and times to save my life. So I was sure to take extra notes in class and used flash cards to help me. Everyone is good at some things and not so good at others. Maybe your weakness is organization? If you forget where your homework is maybe get a binder and ALWAYS keep it in there.

    The 3rd thing is to reward yourself when you accomplish your goals. So like you said you want to get only 2 B's and the rest A's. Decide right now when you reach that goal how you will reward yourself. Maybe talk to your parents about a special day or something.

    The last thing is the toughest. Not many people succeed at this. Don't get discouraged when you don't reach your goals. Sometimes failing in life is the best teacher. You aren't always going to succeed you know. So if it doesn't happen like you wanted it too. Figure out why and then set new goals. Don't ever ever ever give up. Only then will you truly fail.

    Good luck and do good!

  2. The absolute best way to do well is school is to know when to ask for help.  If you go to tutoring every time you don't understand something and work until you do understand it, you will be so much better off than someone who refuses out of pride to get help.  

  3. First calm down. Breathe. Now get prepared. Organize yourself. Don't bring anything unnecessary or anything too much. Bring only what you need. Be confident. You could even go on-line to websites to practice the things you learn. Review the things you've learned. And you should keep a daily schedule to keep track of things. Make a list too. And if you just leave your H.W. somewhere of course it would get loss. So make sure when your done with each of your Hw your firsr priority is to put it back in your bag. :)  

  4. Definitely relax, you sound like you have always been a star student, so don't overdo yourself. First off, keep all you papers in folders/binder/etc. and don't change them from folder to folder during the year. Also you want to have a bag or backpack to keep all you stuff in like homework and so on. This creates a place where you KEEP all your work if your at home or in school, so you know where it is. Good luck! (P.S. I am going to be a freshman and this really helps me!)

  5. Study and be organized.That's all you need to know.

  6. yeah, study. as in, don't cram the night before a test, start memorizing as you read the assignment. do all the homework. it helps you understand the idea, and it gives you extra credit. keep your homework score up, and you won't suffer badly if you suck on a test. don't get distracted by friends and boys and clothes, etc. if you get distracted by something, you won't finish. and don't be afraid to ask for help from your teachers, or from your parents, or from an older brother or sister.  

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