
How do i get hair like hayley williams?

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i love love love her hair!!!

i want it exactly like hers, but i cant dye it that color cuz my school wont allow it and neither will my parents

but i just want to know how to get her hairstyle, how she styles it

and how can i tell me hairstylist i want her hairstyle if he doesnt know who she is?




  1. ok print off a pic of the hairstyle u want that she has then go to a really good hairstylist and have her Cut it like that for you i hope this works!!

  2. You would just print off a picture.

    The hairdresser would cut your hair slanted and your layers zig-zagged to achieve the look.

    Yeah, when I need my hair done like someone else I just give them a picture and go

    "Yeah, thats how I EXACTLY want it"

    Its easier for them too :)

  3. Bring a picture into your hair stylist. The more the better. Haley's hair has some really complicated layers so make sure you get a few good shots of her whole head.

    It's a shame that you can't dye it, that would be amazing.

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