
How do i get help being a single mom?

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I am a single mother, I work 50 hours a week and bring my daughter to work with me. I hate living paycheck to paycheck. It seems once i get my check its gone the next day. With bills and the baby and the economy the way it is im having a lot of trouble. Does anyone have any ideas to get help. Grants,funding,scholarships,housing,ect anything!




  1. It's a shame you don't live in Britain. Single mothers are taken care of by the State and you wouldn't even have to work. That's exactly how it should be too; you should be home spending as much quality time with your kid as possible.

    As you don't live in Britain, I suppose your only option is to ask anyone and everyone for help. If you don't ask, you don't get.

  2. Yes you can get a lot of help from your state.  Look in the phonebook for self suffiency or adult and family services so you can see what types of things they can offer you.  A lot of the time they will assist with childcare, housing, utilities, food...In my state they also have something called WIC that provides you with formula and baby cereal along with milk, eggs, cheese, peanut butter and juice.  If you need grants or scholarships for school of course sign up for a FAFSA online to get money for that, since you have a child they will most likely pay for a 2 year degree.  It sounds like you may need to look into finding a higher paying job too, even 1.00 an hour adds up to 80.00 a paycheck extra which im sure you could use.  

  3. there is social services and lots of sources that can help in your area...

    have you concidered finding a cheaper place to rent..even if its a one bedroom, you gotta do what you gotta do for you and your child right. some apartments will have utilities included, some even include a local phone line.

  4. 1) If your child is under 5 and if you qualify you can get WIC coupouns and that will save you $40 - 50 dollars on food.It will buy milk,eggs,cheese,some cereals and the like.

    2) You can apply for food benefits fom your department of human services department.You can get cash assistance BUT its only if you meet income requirements.If you recieve child support, they will take that money, if you don't they will track down the other parent and make them pay.

    Also in most states you can only be on aid for 5 yrs.

    your state may have training programs that you could qualify for.I would strongly look into those.

    3) Go back and get some more education or training - fill out a FAFSA form - its a governmental form used to see if you qualify for grants and loans.Its harder to get into private colleges and such - your best bet on getting a grant - that you don't have to pay back is to go to a trade school or community college.Or you can take out a loan BUT you have to pay it back depending on it's conditions.

    Honestly your best bet is to get more education and a better paying job.State aid is not what it used to be it was reformed back 11 years or so ago.But do look into the training programs they provide.

  5. It depends on where u live move to Australia, UK, France, Norway or Canada u'll be looked after then

  6. your state SHOULD help you out a lot! a single mom myself and i know i could take all the help i could paychecks are gone just as fast as i get then and i work about 40 hours a week..although, i went to the state to try and get help and all they did was give me 10 dollars in foodstamps and sent me on my way pretty thats really supposed to help me throughout the month...haha

    but anyway, yea theres all kinds of things you can do, state should help you find a daycare they will pay for, food stamps, or if you even want to go to school or something, a lot of times they help you out with that if your a single also try going for chld support too!..

    Good luck to you sweetie!

  7. Go on welfare. it will help

  8. Have you tried applying for WIC? You can go to the local health department. Maybe you can qualify for that, my cousin isn't a single mother and she is able to drawl WIC. Also have you applied for food stamps? I know the cost of food is high and keeps going up and that would help with some of your money issues. Also , there should be some local Christian Associate's place around you, they usually have lots of items and stuff for really cheap and sometimes they can help with bills you can't pay... I hope this helps you out hun! God Bless

  9. Yes, there are many state and federal programs available to help you temporarily. Call your local Department of Family Services to find out what is available in your state.

    I have to bring another matter up though, where is your daughter's father? Why is he not paying child support. If you receive any help from state and local agencies you will have to allow them to attempt to collect child support. If you won't give his name, they can refuse you help and possibly take your child if you can not properly provide for her.

    Don't let her father off the hook, it took two to tango. If he is deceased your daughter is eligible for social security benefits, even if the father never worked. Good luck.

  10. Depending on your income, you should have no problem getting grants for school.  When I didn't have a child and everyone I worked with were single mothers, I was paying for school and they were going for free.  Plus, there should be some sort of state funding to help get a house.  And there are tons of classes you can take on line, at home now.  So you won't have to worry about more day care.  You can do the work whenever you have time.  Good luck!

  11. This economy is so bad it is hurting a lot of people, don't think you are in this alone. It depends on how much you are making you may get some state assistant. Call your local state agencies and or go on their web sites and see what the guide lines are. You may be able to get heating assistants also. Good luck

  12. Well it's as simple as money in/money out.  If you're not bringing in enough money, you need to find a better paying job, or ask for a raise.  Is going back to school an option?  As far as government things, you know your city better than me.  Where I live, in Ottawa, Canada; I get subsidized daycare, the Canada Child Tax benefit (which is based on your income, but gives me about $300/mo), the Ontario Child Care Supplement for Working Families (which pays 50% of my already reduced childcare fees.).  Parents of kids under 6 get $100/mo/kid from the Canada Universal Child Care Supplement.  Contact your local social services office for more info on what your city offers.

  13. I was a single mom long ago and I utlized pell grants to get a better education and now I am secure.  It has taken a LONG time.  I mean long.  But it is worth it.  I guess the other option would be to try the welfare department to see if they can help you get on your feet.  I am not sure what there is to offer but it couldn't hurt to look into it.

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