
How do i get help cleaning my place?

by  |  earlier

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weel im widowed for 3 yrs now. i have daughther an son that live with me. how do i get them 2 help me clean?




  1. Your their mother.. when my dad says to do something i do it

  2. 1. Nag

    2. Plead

    3.  Let their mess get real bad, then invite their friend over(especially girlfriend/boyfriend)

    4. Threaten eviction.

    When I had a really bad roommate once, I keep all my dishes and silverware locked up.  If he wanted to use them he had to wash what was in the sink.  It didn't work he only washed what he needed at the time he needed it.

  3. how old are they?

    make up a chore list and post it on the fridge..

    when they accomplish their chores reward them with a dinner out or a cheap movie or a book ...

    getting them to help is a chore in itself

    good luck!

    p.s.make sure they chores are easy enough for their age groups and switch them up every week

  4. Ummmmmmmm.........lets see.  Maybe some relatives can give you some pointers as to how to make them get off of their royal behinds.

  5. I would simply write out a  schedule and post it on the fridge and let them know that you have put on the fridge a list of chores that needs to be done in the house for everyone and make sure you tell them that's it only fair that you all contribute.  At first they might ignore you but make sure you do your bit and dont clean up after them.  As time goes by..they will notice only their chores is not done and the house is getting filthy.  Then you will see a big change.  If not have a family talk.

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