
How do i get her to leave me alone?

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Ok well about 6 months ago i started seeing a counselor about some self-esteem and self-image issues I had,that's all i really felt comfortable talking about with her but now it seems she wants to know every little thing about me. I have lied to her when she asks me certain questions about what I do because i don't feel comfortable talking about it with her but i then feel bad for lying to her about it.

In the past she stopped seeing me as she 'Couldent figure me out' but then told me that she wants too see me and that i should stay in counseling as I'm 'A very troubled young lady' But i just don't feel comfortable talking to her. She Knows that i have BDD and TTM but she doesn't know that I self-harm and that I'm Bulimic becauase then she would probably never want to stop seeing me.

I cant exactly not turn up to sessions because she gets somebody to come get me, If i were to yell at her and tell her to basically go to h**l then that would result in a trip to the principals office and then even more councelling for 'Anger issues'...I honestly dont want to see her anymore but it seems that im going to be stuck with her for a while.

Does anybody know what i can do?




  1. Hmm this is hard, my instinct is to tell you to approach a teacher or someone and tell them that she's a nightmare but I don't think it would help much.  Is there someone you can talk to? can you tell them what THEY want to hear - that you agree you need counselling but that you just dont feel comfortable with her and that you feel as though you've gone as far as you can with her help.  I would tell them that its fine having a counsellor but that you feel that you can't trust her, ask if there is someone else that can take over from her, she's an adult and a "professional" so she should be able to accept that sometimes people don't work together well.

    I really want to come over and kick the counsellor's bum, I'm so mad because I feel like she's let you down, you went to her with self esteem issues and the last thing you need to hear is someone telling you you're "troubled"  that sounds unprofessional to me.  

    I was a "troubled" teenager - my mum died when I was 14 and I was a bit messed up and i did things to myself too to relieve the pressure.  But I'm a 31 year old married mum and I'm happy so beleive me when I say there is light at the end of the tunnel.  

  2. I know how you feel I also self harm and i'm bulimic also I would tell her about those problems because one you could die from and have horrible acid reflux and I feel sick all the time and the other you don't want scars on your arms and legs or where ever you do it and also just go through the counseling believe me if you don't she will think something is wrong and it will be a whole lot worst then it is now

  3. Tell her the truth, that youve been lying and that most of the things you lied about, as long as you make it sound boring, should suffice.

    Mind you Ive been lucky enough to be able to make my life sound boring and my school counsellor gave up on me and sent me to a boarding school - cow.

  4. Well I have a friend with Borderline Personality Disorder, she's 29.

    she uses heroine and crystal meth, has 2 children in foster care and tattoos, numerous suicide attempts self harm and lives off welfare.

    Finally at 29, she got treatment and is working towards getting her life under control. With good help she will never be cured, but will learn to control herself.

    Get treatment NOW, before you get to that stage! It would be horrific to live the way my friend does.

    tell the counsellor "my telling you everything want change a thing, all it will do is encourage me dwell on negative emotions rather than learn self control" ask her about cognitive  behaviour theory.

    I find that when my shrink asks me a question I don't want to answer. (I have ADD) a great tactic is to ask him a question about psychiatry in general, mental health issues and distract him. this might work especially well for people with ADD though.

    To make her go away.

    tell her honestly "I am not learning or developing by answering these questions, I would like to take practical steps towards helping my BDD rather than useless psychoanalysis.

    My sister is one of those people who goes to shrinks all the time and psychoanalyses and tells her life story and tells the shrink everything etc and it's totally useless she is worse off now after seeing shrinks then had she just learned to cope with her emotions. what you need to do is 'LEARN TO CONTROL THE BEHAVIOUR"

    secondly as for self esteem. I often complain to my parents that "i have no self confidence/low self esteem" my parents told me that self esteem is not necessary-what you need is concrete achievement and your confidence and true deserved self esteem will come with that.

    So I am learning a language. Do something that will give you a sense of achievement. and will help your future.

  5. wow, thats tough. well, i guess you can try talking to ur parents or teachers about your councellor, or to whoever sent u to her in the first place, then tell them that the councelling worked, but you don't need to see her anymore because you feel better about ur situation.

    sorry i can't help too much. hope this helped a bit.

  6. Well i guess you could always just tell her straight out that you dont need councelling anymore and break it off like you are breaking up in a relationship. lols

    see if that helps

    or mabee you could get a diferent counceler. or you could be that "Couldnt figue you out person" again

    or you can go to your session and just not talk.

    see how you go



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