
How do i get her to use her words??

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my half sister hates me. she is going into 1st grade and I'm going into 8th, and i need time away from her. i play with her all day then i tell i don't wanna play and she gets mad and kicks me or she'll cry to my other half sister. how do i get her to use her words???




  1. I know how you feel. My little 5 year old cousin, hits me, calls me stupid and yells at me. I get down to his level and tell him to "Use your words" and "Stop yelling" and he eventually calms down. He only started to act like this when his little brother (who is now 1) was born. I usually was taking care of his little brothers who is like a leech on me, lol. I think he gets jealous and thats why he yells so I just give both of them attention.

    Maybe you can try to bond with your sister and give her attention

    Hope I helped and good luck with your sister =)

  2. Ignore her until she exhibits the behaviour you want.

  3. What words!  She's many does she have?

  4. she's in first grade...she's throwing a temper tantrum.  kick her back once and see how she likes it.  she'll stop.  kick her when she kicks her what it feels like, and then tell her if she wants to talk, you'll talk.  but if she'd rather kick, you'll win.

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