
How do i get him back? ?

by  |  earlier

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we had a thing for a month or two and then we dated. we broke up and then got back together..after we were together again for about 4 days i broke up with him during a stupid fight. When we hang out he is still all over me so it makes me think he still likes me and we text all night like everynight. But the problem is... theres another girl...i dont know what to do get him back. A few weeks ago when we broke up he told me i broke his heart and that he loved me and that it would take him a while to consider us dating again. After he told me that if i tried for him i could get him...not realizing i was competing with another girl. I still talk to him everyday and when i see him he always tells me how much he missed me.




  1. Your actions are not only hurting this man that you love, but is also killing your credibility. You tell him one thing and you do another. You giving off all kinds of signels that you want him, but you are behaving a little like a child.

    If you want him, than you need to show him, and prove it by your actions, if he is with someone else, you can tell him you still care for him and that you will be there for him if he decides to come back, but you don't want to be the one that caused a rift between him and this new girl, or it will come back to bite you in the butt!

    Good luck!


  2. he dated u for a month or two and he's in love,,,,that's a red flag right there

  3. Sounds like he is still involved with you.  His current girlfriend won't be liking this and you won't have to do anything.  Just remain his friend and let mother nature take its coarse.  Stop trying so hard to win him back, since you still have him.  

  4. maybe talk to him about the other girl. if he really likes you for real he shouldn't like another girl the same way. maybe there is one of you he feels really strong about and the, not very much.

  5. First of all.....never break his or anyone's heart again.....

    Guarantee him that you'll never do it again....if you do it then its just finished....

    See he still misses you and thats the reason you can get him...

    good luck.....  

  6. If he tells that he misses you, you should talk to him... But openly... If he had loved that girl, he wouldn't have talked with his ex-girlfrend (you) about missing... That's stupid...

    But competing with that girl is the worst solution you can get. You are you, not she... And he knows that. So, just an open conversation can help you.

    Just one thing... You can't get him back!!! He will come back if he decides and if he realizes that he wants to stay with you.

  7. He obviously wants his cake & eat it too. Don't fall for that c**p; it's humiliating and it erodes your self confidence. Stop texting him every night and develop other interests. If I know guys, he'll be afraid of losing you and like a puppy, will come running back with his tail between his legs. Try it!

  8. No offense intended, but sounds like you broke his heart... twice? You need to prove to him you will never do it again. It's easy to break a heart, hard to mend the wounds.

  9. well. this is hard. maybe you should tell him how you feel-in person!- if he still likes you then he will understand. if that doesn't work; show him that there are other guys out there, and kinda flirt with them a little (not exaggerated though) then he will get a little jealous and see that he needs you in his life (if he still likes you). oh and what ever you do- don't try to be mean with the other girl. it will make things worse and i think it would make the guy feel bad. if anything try to befriend her. good luck- cute story btw (:

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