
How do i get him out of my head??

by  |  earlier

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I have feelings for this lad that i know through some friends. The problem is i get the impression that he is a bit of a play boy. I know i have no chance with him, we are from completely different social backgrounds and i know he would never look at me twice.

The problem is i think about him loads which kinda "depresses" me as i know nothing will ever happen!. How do i forget about him?




  1. He uses girls

    He'd have s*x with you just for fun

    He'd then have s*x with your mates

    You'd feel awful


    You don't want this happening,

    Thus, he's a tvvat, so stop thinking about him! :P

  2. read a great book something by Jackie Collins.Jane Green,Dean Koontz or the great writer James Patterson that will take your mine off of that young gentleman

  3. I think you should figure out why you are depressed, If you know he is not worth it to begin with. Is it you that seems to find an attraction to these sort of characteristics?

  4. Forget him by not thinking about him.

    There is no other way round.

  5. Ah! The eternal wanting something you think you cant have.

    Who says you cant have him? Dont put yourself down thinking he wouldn't look twice at you. Who says he's good enough for you? You're putting him on some kind of pedastal where you think he's fantastic and 'above' you, but everyone is equal. You want him, make him notice you and give it a shot.

    Though if he's aplay boy like you think he is - is he really worth your efforts? Lots of things to think about.  

  6. Spend lots of times with friends and do things you enjoy. Keep yourself busy so you dont have the time to think about him.

  7. find a new guy, who's worthh it. :)

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