
How do i get in the trash in my recycling ben?

by  |  earlier

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How do i get in the trash in my recycling ben?




  1. Well first you have to get a crate or something to stand on then stand on the crate and fling your body into the trash.

  2. Well I don't know who Ben is but I'm sure he appreciates you wanting to get to his trash

  3. Not sure what you are asking.  It sounds like you are asking us how do you get into the trash in your recycling ben?  You get in there?  Aren't you a person, and not recyclable trash?  Please be more specific in your question.  If you want to get into your trash recycling ben, buy a bigger ben?  No, not the answer, well, maybe you could rewrite the question.  GL

  4. Just doublle click the recycle bin icon on your desktop

  5. if your asking how to look at things youve trashed double click the recycle bin.

  6. there should not be ANY trash in your recyling ben sorry bin, only recyclable materials approved by your local waste authority.

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