
How do i get into the diving nationals?

by  |  earlier

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I have just gone back to diving at the age of 20 , after going for a few sessions, i really want to push myself to the limit. I will be doing a masters event in November but, it would mean a lot to get to the national standard. But it means joining some where like Southampton or Leeds,Manchester, i feel so depressed because all my life i have been at the wrong club or the coach never told me to trial for another, I started diving at the age of 8. I don't want to be a coach, should i just quit as im never going to the Olympics.




  1. Don't quit. Follow your heart! Honestly.. you never know where it will take you..

    I would recommend trying to join those clubs.. working your butt off every day.. getting as much pool time in as possible. When you can't get the pool time.. hit the gym and get some cross training in with weights. Also work on your eating habits too..  

  2. DONT GIVE UP DONT EVEN THINK OF GIVING UP. YOU FOLLOW YOU'RE DREAMS I MEAN IT. This is what you do to participate in the olympics:

    1) First you join a proffesional diving club.

    2)Then you practice till you are practically dead put your heart and soul into this and when i say this i mean it- dont let your dreams go ,chase it.

    3) When your coach thinks your ready he'll let you participate in competitions and so on and so forth.

    4) When you get better and better and you are winning lots of competitions then they'll elect you to dive for your country.

    GOOD LUCK I TRULY HOPE YOU MAKE IT. Thanks for reading this dont give up.  

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