
How do i get involved in ama superstock racing?

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i live around st. louis but i'm willing to travel. can you do it on a completely stock bike? is it like dirtbike racing where you just become a member of the ama, show up to the track on race night, pay a race fee and put your name on a sheet? also.....where are some road courses around st louis that have races.




  1. So you want to go racing, I have the web site that will get you started. will give you the pros and cons of what to do to begin racing, but first you need to join the AMA to even think about racing. It's easy and soon you will have more fun than you know what to do. As the site says, there are more than 15 different types of racing, choose the one you want and go for it.

  2. Dude, you need to be willing to travel as the AMA goes all over the whole US.

    As it happen's, there is not going to be a Superstock class for much longer as the AMA is getting sold to The DMG, who dont have a clue.

    As for the bikes been stock, no they are still " full on " race bikes, just a little watered down in spec from the Pro / WSB machines.

    Unless your bike is a 08 model, and you are already winning every championship you enter, & have a massive bankroll ( $ 8 - 9 K a race , 24 race'ss for the year + testing ) then dont even bother to enter.

    Wait untill the DMG state there plans. It will be bad though.

  3. First off, you would need to start club racing. AMA is the highest level of roadracing in this country (even though the series blows). Find your local race series (probably WERA) get a novice license and start racing. A stock bike minus street stuff (lights) is perfectly acceptable.

    You have to attain a racing license before you can race.

    If you haven't tried yet I'd suggest a track day thats the cheapest way to get on the track to see if you even have any skills.

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