
How do i get job experience!?

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have been looking for a new job that could pay atleast $9 or $10 an hour.. I was thinking some kind of an office job or something like that. however every job ad i see requires experience.. how do i get this experience if no one will hire a person without experience. I currently just finished my associate's in the arts (not fine arts) and i;m taking a semester off and want to get a decent job to save money! I have worked at a fast food restaurant (Dairy Queen), a golf course, and JCPenny Any ideas? Please and Thank you :-)




  1. One option you may still have this summer is to check with your schools counseling or job placement department/office and ask if there are any available internships available.  In my current job we just hired an intern about 3 weeks ago and we'll be keeping him on until October. He's making $9-$10 dollars an hour and is learning a great deal about working in a corporate environment.  Even a few weeks will look great on your resume.

  2. I would look for an entry level clerical position, perhaps something like a file clerk. Your skills & education should have some influence. You may not get the pay you want immediately because most employers don't want to invest too much until they see how you perform but will usually give increases after 90 days or so if they're satisfied with your work.

  3. You could do some volunteer work in that field, or apprenticeship.  Either would qualify.

  4. try gettin a resume on

    start there :)

  5. Go to a Temp Agency and let them place you in an office job.  Usually if the job doesn't work out you can stay with the agency and have them find you a different job.  They will usually test your office/computer skills and send you to a job.  

  6. An easier way to get job experience is to be apply to be an intern. Now be aware that most intern jobs do not pay anything but you will get experience and a referral is you do the job well. I know it  doesn't pay the bills but it may be worth a try.  Good Luck!

  7. Just go through a few bad jobs and get some experience and then apply. You can also try and apply and tell them about your skills even though you have no experience and see if they will give you a chance.  

  8. its all about the people you know, talk to people ask around, its hard to find a job by yourself you need someone to help you

  9. Talk to someone in the type of profession you are looking to get into ask them if they could temporally hire you then get them to fill out some paperwork if you do a good job and give it to the place you are planning to work at that should be enough to get you hired.

  10. You should probably look at getting an internship in the field you want to study. May not pay well, but looks good for colleges, and gives you experience. You probably have to look for jobs like those in fast food restaurants, clothing stores, or dept stores.

    Best of Luck

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