
How do i get lips like this model?

by Guest59055  |  earlier

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The model wearing the black, how can i make them so full and plump?




  1. sephora and places like that have lip plumping stuff.

    or you can get injections.

  2. if your lips arent naturally that big, forget it. lol

    you can get that collegen needle in your lips if you have alot of cash to waste.

    you can use glosses that have "lip plumping" agents in them, but they dont work that well. they help a little, but you wont look like the models who get the needles in there lips lol.

    you can apply makeup to make your lips appear bigger. if you use lighter shades that have plenty of shine to them, it will make your lips appear bigger than if you were to use darker shades like red. also, if your using a matte lipcolour or a colour with not much shine, dab a really shiny clear gloss just in the middle of upper and lower lips and this will make them appear fuller also. to use a lip liner (but learn how to use it correctly otherwise youll look like a clown) can help alot, coz u can draw the line just over your natural line and nobody will know and it gives you a fuller lip instantly.

    look for tips on youtube

  3. Lip plumper hunni i wear em!

  4. Use a lip plumper, you can buy some at drugstores. It like lip gloss.

  5. i don't know my lips are naturally full and plump the only way you can go is surgery or there is some lip gloss and lipstick out there that makes your lips look that way

  6. Some people are naturally blessed with full,plush-like lips,like for example:Miss Jessica Alba.

    Really the only other alternative(if you weren't genetically predisposed to having full lips)is cosmetic surgery,like lip injections..collagen,etc.

    SOME lip plumpers work,but it's a temporary full-ness.

    Lip-liner can make your upper lip look fuller.

  7. the new infalliblee lip couler by mabeline and the new dior lip plumper

  8. good genes.... or lip injections.

  9. You can get this injection surgery thing. It's really gross, because they basically just squeeze fat into your lips. Yuck!

  10. clinique has a lip plumper lipgloss. a lot of people say lip plumper doesn't work, but you would be very surprised clinques works like magic. it's pricey, like seventeen bucks but if you want plumper lips i promise thats the way to go.

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