
How do i get made into a dirtbike rider?

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How do i get made into a dirtbike rider?




  1. Like Auburn says, you either have it or you dont.

    You my friend, clearly dont.

  2. Dirtbike riders are not made they are born.  If you have the passion and the will to ride and are willing to pick yourself back up from injury then it is in you to be a dirtbike rider.  Many people ride dirtbikes but not all have the complete passion for it that consumes them.  I have two sons both of which who race.  One likes the sport and is quite good and the youngest is consumed by it.  He lives breaths eats and just about everything else motocross and supercross and he travels all over Australia to compete.  He has had many injuries and much to my disgust wont give it up.  I guess he was just born to ride!

  3. pick up a bike that fits you, get the gear and ride alot basicly, intill you get really into it and motivated.

  4. Dude! Do not take this wrong, But, It is not like opening up a box of cereal and winning a prize. It takes practice, dedication, practice, blood, practice, sweat, practice, tears, practice, pain, practice, development and practice.

  5. good choice, ima dirtbiker, too.

    1) Get a good bike.

    * i would suggest a KTM or a Kawasaki, they're sweet.

    2) Get the gear. You can search for local shops.

    * i like the brand fox a lot.

    3) Get ridin'! It's a whole lotta fun.

    Good Luck! <3

  6. You should watch more GP Races. MotoGP or WSBK. Maybe that'll change your mind.

  7. Hey man, if you want to ride dirt bikes then go for it. No one says you have to be the best in the world or even the best at your local track. If you just want to ride but not race two things are very important, someone to ride with and a place to ride that you enjoy and have easy access to. Riding alone sucks and having to drive 2 hours to the nearest track does as well. If you want to race just don't jump in straight away. Go to some of the local races as a spectator and ride the open practice days until you feel comfortable on the bike and track. Good luck and have fun most of all.

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