
How do i get married at 17? or have my girlfriend emacipated at 16? my girlfriends being molestation?

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ok... im 17 years old.. my girlfriend is 16... we have been together for a very long time and her step-dad hates me.. so now he's sayin they are moving and she has to go with them... but there's a HUGE TWIST! ok.. see for the past 3 years my girlfriends step-dad has been sexually molesting her.. i've wanted to do something about it. (he doesn't know that i know). she wants to tell on him but he keeps saying that her mom would kill herself if she told on him... so0o0o0 im stuck.. i mean..

do i tell??? me and my girlfriend want to get married... but we need parental consent.. which isn't a problem for me... but her.. i dont know... BUT.. i was looking into the law and found that if she gets emacipated than she doesnt need parental concent to get married... i've done my reaserch and have reached a dead end.. basically im askin for any help i can get... ANYTHING! so please! if you have any suggestions... any at all.. even if they are stupid... tell me.. THANKS!




  1. Her mom should sign for her, since she's being molested. She should want her daughter out of there. I'd talk to her about it. Her step-dad wouldn't have to sign since he's not her real father...

    Most likely, her mother would not kill herself. He's just saying she will to avoid being ratted out.

    If that fails, she could always go to a shelter and get help.

  2. I was living in an abusive household growing up.  I ran away and lived with family members when I was 16.  It was very hard for me, I was very scared and it was hard leaving my younger siblings.  You need to encourage your girl friend to get out of that house! She needs to become free and to tell the authorities! If he is molesting her then it WILL happen to some one else if it isn't already. Her mother isn't going to kill herself, her step father is manipulating her.  My own mother and step father did the same thing to control me and keep me from telling. You NEED to help her.  Do not stand by and do nothing.  Have her leave the house and go to your house, the two of you HAVE  to sit down and Tell your parents and ask for their help, or go to a school counselor/teacher.  Go to the police even.  I'm assuming you have good and reasonable parents, so don't hid this from them.  Be honest and get the help she so desperately needed.  This b*****d HAS to be stopped, and Your girlfriend needs help.  At this point in your lives I would say that marriage isn't necessary or even a good idea. The emotional maturaty needed to make a marriage work is emence. Add to it being a teenager and add to that all of this turmoil, the marriage will be harder than it needs to be and will most likely fail.  Your girlfriend will need to undergo therapy and won't be ready for marriage for a long time.  I hope I didn't jump all over the place and I hope I have helped.  God bless the both of you

  3. TELL! - then give her time to process the issues this situation has to have created for her before you two get married.

    And tell fast before they move!!

    If you can support her and love her through all of this and the arrest of her step dad and all that goes with it - you two can make it together in the long run.

    Good Luck!

  4. You have to call the police and tell them. The only way it will be stopped is if the police intervenes. That is they only way to get her help.

  5. Please get help for her tell your parents or go to the police. It might hurt things alittle but its better off hurting something like that then her stepdad ending up going to far and something bad happens to her. Im sure you dont want anything bad to happen to her so the best thing is to tell and get her help. If she loves you and you love her you guys will get married but wait... y ou have your whole life a head of you. Theres many adventures out there and places too see. I wish you the best of Luck and Like Everyone else has said on here Just tell and get her Help!

  6. I know you want to help your girl friend, but getting married is not the best solution to this HUGE problem.  Please tell someone that can help her!  You are her advocate at this point because she has no one else to turn to.  Please help her by telling the police or a school official.  

    To help your and her case don't mention wanting to run away together or that her step-dad hates you.  It will make people think you are being impulsive and that you don't really have a REAL issue to deal with - but you DO!

    I think you should help your girlfriend with the real problem right now, and help her get through the pain and emotional baggage that will come from this horrible situation.  

    When the time is right (in a few years), after you two have gone to school and grown even closer and built your relationship more by dealing with this together you can celebrate a HAPPY union and future together, instead of now, when it would be secretive and stressful.  You don't want to start a marriage like that.

    God Bless.

  7. please tell...hes just trying to scare her by saying things about what her mother might do to herself.

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