
How do i get me and my daughter to be closer?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is 14 and me and her have nothing in common

like anytime i ask her if she wants to do something she says no and if i try talking to her about girly stuff she just goes OK MOM SHUTUP your so annoying!! and i always try being like one of her friends instead of a mom but she doesnt want to. she also sometimes seems very sad and i ask her if everything's good but she just says yeah everything's good why do you care just mind your own buisness please

shes very nice to me and we get along but we aren't close and she never likes to do anything with me only her friends sometimes if i ask her if she wants to go to la or sf or NY and ect. or go shopping or go watch a movie she says ok but rarely

sometimes i think the problem is that when she was little she used to be a super brat that i always had to yell at her cause she wouldnt listen and now that shes not as bad she doesnt like me because i used to yell at her and because she thinks that i always take her older brothers side and never hers and also she told me cause im the hot mom from around here and all the boys she likes think im hot and that ever since she was little i was never hanging out with her because i was modeling and thats why she was such a brat and because i dress to pretty and stylish but i love fashion and im not going to dress ugly i dress good and i will keep doing that and that bought me to tears idk any advise on what i should do to be a little bit more closer to her

shes my only daughter

please no stupid comments pleasee!!




  1. your daughter is a teenager she's gonna go through that stage of where she doesnt wanna be around you and she just basically wants to do her own thing.  a lot of girls are the same way. she'll eventually grow out of it. just let her know that you'll be there for her whenever she needs you and thats about all you can do. you cant force her to hang out with you.  

  2. She just might need some time let her ask u sometime if u want  2 do something and maybe she might come around and be her friend and her mom and also pray about the situation

  3. Try and talk to her. If she refuses then say its important. tell her how you feel and she might say how she feels. She might be a little jeolous as the boys that she thinks are hot fancies you instead. That is not your fault but because shes at that age she might feel that. Dont blame yourself. Say to her if theres something that she really wants to go to and you could do some child mother bonding between the two of you. You might have a real good laugh. I really hoped this helps.  

  4. Honestly, just let her come to you.  My mother and I didn't get a long AT ALL during my teenage years but now she's my best friend.  Don;t completely ignore her, just giver he space.  Tell her she can come to you with anything and then just let her be.

    I bet you things will work out and you guys will be close.

  5. well i'm 13 and me and my mum have a good relationship at this age she is probably in to shopping and hair and beauty so offer to take her shopping and if she says no offer to give her money so she can go with her friends she will see how nice your being to her and possibly think aww wer'nt she nice to me.also i know that when my mum talks to me about girly stuff i get embarrassed so don't do it i'm sure if she needed help she would come to you or just make her aware that she can come to you with problems hope it works out xx

  6. Looks like your daughter lacked nurturing from you when she was younger.  She needs you to be her mom, not her friend because she has plenty of friends.  Also, from the way you say she talks to you, looks like she doesn't respect you. I recommend you join a parenting class and a church with her.  You may even find groups in the church that could help!

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