
How do i get medical health benefits for my grandchildren? mother in rehab. dad deceased?

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I have temporary custody, dad is deceased mom in treatment facility for 10 months. I have been denied by healthy kids and was told they do not qualify for medicaid. These children need therapy to deal with these issues. Please advise. thank you!




  1. why were they denied? were the kids placed in your care through child protective services? if so, that right there should give you medical benefits. the counselor should do that for you.

    if you just have the children becuase the parents are where they are, then it will be a little harder but it can be done. you daughter can sign a paper that says she is giving you temprorary custody of the children until she is done. you can get it notarized and file it at the local courthouse. then, once that takes place, medicaid or healthy kids will be able to come into play, because they will be under what is considered "fostering"

    if you can't find you way to do any of these things-call the local health department and ask for counseling programs that charge by what you make. health dept. can also administer shots. there are alot of doctors and hospitals that offer programs. we have 3 hospitals here, only one of them offers a program that the hospital will take care of your bill if you qualify. call your local area and hospital, that way you know, if there comes a time when they will need to go.-good luck. in my state, you cannot get anything, including registering the child for school until there is some legality to it (ex" "fostering") i tried with my niece. i had to do the courtpaper and notarizing thing, it cost $75 to file it, and the papers said for a total of 6 months.

    i just noticed you said that you have temporary custody. i would go to the person who granted your custody-attorney, child services, whoever and go from there.

    i actually have never heard of a problem like this, when the grandparent/person has the temporary custody. usually the state picks it up.

  2. If they need therapy,could you possibly go to a free counselors at school??? or organization maybe?? Do you have insurance, maybe under your policy, but you would need legal papers stating that they are your dependents..sorry I can't be of any more help...  

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