
How do i get more loft in my golf shot ?

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I have recently taken up golf and so far i'm getting the shots fairly straight and long but find i can;t get them in the air.

Where am i going wrong ?




  1. The problem is caused by trying to "assist" the ball into the air by scooping the shot. Hit down and through and let the loft of the club do all he work. Position the ball between centre and your front foot in your stance Vary this position only when you have achieved your goal,then try with different clubs. Don't try to knock the ball out of sight.

  2. The answer depends on your swing and the club you are using.

    To get the ball in the air with your woods, you want to hit it with a slight upswing for the driver (VERY slight), and right at the bottom of the arc for your 3 wood.

    For irons, the idea is to hit the ball first just before you hit the ground. this could be considered "hitting down" on the ball. This will create backspin and give you the rising ball flight that golfers look for.

    Many more things influence how high the ball will go. In irons and fairway woods, the loft of the club has a greater impact than with say, your driver. With the driver it's more tee height and swing.

    Also, the shaft has something to say about it. A shaft with "mid kick" is an average flight,  "high kick" will flight the ball lower, and "Low Kick" will flight it higher. The term "Kick" means the point at which the shaft flexes.

    I would recommend watching a lot of golf and watching how the pros hit the ball, then go take a lesson. When you hit a good golf shot, you really won't feel it all that much. The only feeling you'll have is a nice solid sounding THWACK and the ball will just take off. you may even hear the "WHIZZZ" from it spinning.  There's no substitute for a good golf swing to get the ball to do what you want it to. To get a good swing, take a lesson.

  3. The simple thing to do is to move the ball forward in your stance.

    Example: If you are a right-hander, move the ball closer to your left foot.  

    Your driver should be just inside of your left foot, and instructors have told me to move the ball back, one ball width from there for each club lower that you hit.

    Basically a 5 iron would be write below your crotch (Sorry I can't think of a cleaner word for that area)..

    Best of luck!

  4. place the ball parallel to your left foot, or OFF your left foot.  This gives you more arc, and release time to actually get under the ball.  Hope i helped

  5. go practise with an iron first. put your ball on the tee, and go into your stance . now extened your arms and let the iron just rest on the ground as if you are going to hit the ball.

    now let the top part of the iron head  tilt backwards then swing and hit the ball.

    this should loft the ball more higher into the air.

    had this problem myself.


  6. If your shots go long and straight as you say, why would need to change a thing?  Anyway, the correct answer could be five thousand different things.  A common problem I see with my students is they are trying to get the ball in the air.  If you ever trying to get under the golf ball,you are doomed.  Hit down and thru the ball. With solid contact, the loft of the club will get the ball up.  When you try to assist the ball into the air, instinctively your center hangs back causing the club to bottom out before the ball rather than beyond it.  This will cause the leading edge of the club to hit the equator of the ball resulting in a low "skull".

  7. Without seeing your swing, it's really difficult to answer your question.  Could be your swing, the wrong type of shaft, ball position, etc....

    Since you've just taken up golf, I'd suggest taking some lessons.  I wish I had when I first started instead of acquiring bad habits by being self taught.  When I did take lessons years later, it really helped.

  8. there is possibly more than 1 solution to your problem. The easiest to identify are 'Your Grip' & 'Ball position.

    If your hands are positioned incorrectly this can lead to a closed club face and hence reduction in loft.

    Also ball position is important. Check that your ball is positioned correctly for each club. Possibly your ball position is predominantly too far back in your stance.

    These faults are fundamentals to a good golf swing & can be found in every golf manual.

    Good luck.

  9. play the ball more off your front foot will promote a more steep back swing and you will hit the ball sooner on the up swing

  10. try a cut shot. if your right handed turn to your left about 2 degrees so your aiming left but open the club face so its still pointing at your target. swing normally and watch the result. the ball doesnt go as far but it does go much higher and will still go straight.

  11. One thing over looked by many people is that it takes muscle to get the ball airborne. If you just took up the game, you may not have developed the proper 'golf muscles' to accomplish what your trying to do.

    Some factors that affect height of a golf ball:

    Angle of Attack - The steeper you attack the ball, the higher it will go. High hands, high flight

    Squareness of impact - Are you hitting the ball flush, or thin?

    Shaft Flex - are your shafts too stiff for you?

    Loft - of course

    Ball position - this can be manipulated, but in general - the farther forward in your stance you play the ball, the higher it goes.

  12. Mopve the ball up in your stance and take the same swing. Or use a higher loft club such as a 9-iron or pitching wedge

  13. golf is a game of opposites, hit down to make the ball go up

  14. look golf is counter intuitive because you want to get the ball up in the air I bet you are trying to scoopt the ball up in the air well this is wrong to get the ball up in the air you need to hit down on it and let the loft of the club do the work with short Irons the ball should be just behind center mid irons center or just ahead of center and longirons and woods an inch inside the left heel DON'T SCOOP hit through the ball and let the loft do the work

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