
How do i get more powerful serves and spikes for volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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u know, the ones that people r scared of. my serves are consistant and so r my spikes but i want them to be killer serves and spikes. can i get this in a matter of 2 months by chance?

thank u 4 helping,


oh and btw, i am playing 13 and 12 year olds on a womans volleyball team and i am 13.




  1. Work on your vertical jump and exploding up.  Next work on your arm swing - the speed of your swing.  As for your serve - remain consistent.  If you can jump serve, work on it becoming consistent instead of hit or miss.  People fear the jump serve. Good luck!!

  2. practice. Work on getting high, powerful jumps for your hits, and make sure you snap your wrist when you hit it. For serves, practice. Make sure the toss isn't too high or low, and then concentrate and hit it. Become consistent and then just practice hiting it hard.

  3. Work on some strengh training for your legs, arms, and shoulders ... you should be able to get some more power behind your serves and spikes then ...

  4. OK... well i say that you try to master either a really Strong float serve or a really strong jump top spin serve. i prefer the float because for me, those are the hardest to pass and at your age it might be easier. For a float serve, what you have to do is when you toss the ball up make sure there is no spin on it and when you hit the ball open handed, mak sure that you pop it with your hand and MAKE SURE THAT YOU DONT PUT TOP SPIN ON IT. it will take a while, but if you work on it at home against a wall outside or something. it will come to you. try looking up what the best way to do a float serve would be on yahoo questions. it also helps if you are serving a little farther back from the out of bounds line and you hit it fairly hard.

  5. Steroids :P

  6. Lift weights and concentrate on strengthening your shoulders, triceps and forearms. Your core also needs to be strong as well, so don't forget the swiss ball crunches.

  7. a lot of people don't realize that a core to being good at any sport is having strong abs.

    so much of your power comes from your abs. when you're in mid air hitting, you should be using them.

    also, like almost everyone else has said, getting a higher vertical will help with a more powerful hit.

    try practicing with leg weights on. and work on jump training.

  8. make sure that when you are hitting your jump high enough. getting above the net and on top of the ball is a key part to have a powerful spike. for serves make sure your hand is firm and your fingers spread apart for more control. FOLLOW THROUGH!!!!!! good luck!

  9. practice of course will help the most. For indoor 6's the best serve is the floater and not the top spin jump serve that anybody can pass just by getting under it.

    For your hits work on getting on top of the ball in your approach, make contact with the ball at the 45 degree angle and snap your wrist and it will go straight down.

  10. practice.

  11. the best tip i can give you is

    when you hit make sure that:

    -your hand is open

    -your hand is on top of the ball

    -swing all the way through

    -work on your 3-step approach-it will give you a better jump and will help you get your hand on top of the ball

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