
How do i get my 14 month grandson to stop hitting?

by  |  earlier

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my 14 month old grand son likes to hit , if you put your face close to him to talk he eventually tries to hit you, he also like to slap the dog and pull his ears. right now i just try to tell him no and to be nice and while i am saying nice i take his hand had and pet the dog. He then kisses the dog, but he will still try to hit the dog. he also likes to use whatever is in his hand as a weapon.




  1. This is usually a phase!  Being consistent with telling him no and like you said about being nice and petting the dog!  sometimes this comes down to how he is disciplined!  if he is spanked he may think hitting is ok...because i get hit!  But i think you are doing well with using words and trying to get him to understand!!  consistency consistency consistency!!

  2. Is his home environment a stressful one?  Sometimes children can manifest stress in this manner although I think he is a little young for that....

    Even a child that is a year old can begin to learn the meaning of "NO!".  Look him in the eyes and tell him no, while gently holding his hands in yours.  Tell him "No hitting" and remove the toy from him if you need to.  Also, children of this age aren't going to be very gentle with the family pet.

  3. Tell your grandson no in a firm voice and explain why we don't hit! Then redirect him to something else, the more attention you give to him when he commits the offense then the more he will want to do it. He just wants a reaction out of it. After a few days of redirection he should stop! Good luck I hope this helps

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