
How do i get my 18mth old 2 sleep in her own bed

by  |  earlier

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she screams for ages til i pik her up and rock her to sleep or put her in bed with us. she doesnt settle or stop screaming i've tried controlled crying but she doesnt give up




  1. i had the same problem with my daughter, she is 15 months old. She ended up sleeping in our bed every single night, it was getting beyond a joke. So every time she woke throught the night i would go and lay in bed with her til she went to sleep, then i would go back to my ouwn bed, In the beginning i was doing this 4-5 time through the night, as frustrating as it was, i wanted her to know that she was not coming into my bed, i did this for about a week straight and eventually she got the idea, i no only have to go into her room once a night at about 3 in the morning. So thats something you could try, i think anything is worth a shot. Good Luck

  2. She has control. You need to get it back. When it is time to go to  bed put her in it. When she cries don't go in for a good while then if you have to, don't pick her up just rub her back gently. Don't pamper to her tantrum, be firm. Sometimes a low/soft light might help. Sometimes soft music. Make sure the room stays warm. Don't pick her up once she is in bed.  

  3. Establish a bedtime routine, talk to her through it and let her know what will happen next.  That routine may be "bath, pyjamas, story" or anything you want as long as it's quiet and soothing.  

    Maybe you want to put a night light in her room but do not pick her up when she is in bed. Sit with her and talk to her for a few minutes but there's no picking up at this stage. It's bedtime!

  4. Sorry but if you dont know this is why people say that you should ever put them in bed with you because they will never sleep in their own bed.

    You should do controlled crying every night and DONT give up. Show her whos boss

  5. I have no answer for you, but please do not feel like you are going thru this alone.  My daughter, Liberty, is 22 months old, and is also in my bed.

    I have tried everything listed in the advice, and none works.  My pediatrican advised me it will take time, and just to be patient.   Right now, we are trying to get her to start taking her naps alone (we used to cuddle with her then).

    While many people say 'you should never put them in your bed', I say there will come a time when she will not want to cuddle.  With that said, I will happily take a toe in my face now, knowing some day she will not want to cuddle anymore.

    It will come in time, just be patient...and in the meantime, work on the naps.

  6. I just read an aritcle about this problem in a magazine called PRACTICAL PARENTING (august edition 2008) and this si basically what it says: Establish a bed time routine e.g. NO TV or noisy games a1/2 before bed and get Mum or Dad to read story once they are tucked into bed then give kisses and cuddles and say goodnight and leave the room.  when the child gets out of bed take them back to bed and say goodnight. the third time dont even talk them just put them back to bed.  The article also says to be prepared for tears and frustration from the child.


    put a chair at the end of the bedfacing away so that the child can see you but not make eye contact. when the child speaks tell them it is time for sleep and when they get out of bed put them back to bed telling them that if they keep misbehaving you will leave the room, if they keep misbehaving leave the room for abot 30 seconds and then repeat until they go to sleep.  as the child gets used to this they will fall asleep quicker and you can move the chair urther away from the bed and then out of the roomuntil you dont need to do this anymore.

    if the child wants to come into your bed especially in the middle of the night take them back to there bed tuck them in and say goodnight.  maybe have a night light for them   I followed this plan with my 4 year old and it does work.  we leave the toilet light on for her so she can see if she wakes up and once I tuck her into bed she usually goes back to sleep quickly.

    another suggestion given to me by my clinic sister was to put a a mattress on the floor next to my bed so that if the children do wake up and they can just lie on the matress as often times the child just wants to be close to you or her dad.

    another suggestion is to have a set bed time and make sure they dont nap for to long during the day.

    I live in perth Wa australia and there is an organisation called ngala and they help with sleep and children until 5 years old there website is

    sometimes I still take the girls into my bed as I am just really tired after a hard day and need peace once they are asleep I put them back into there own beds and we all get a good night sleep.  even my 7 year old will still sometimes come into be with us, I have learned that each child and each family is different and most children by the age of twelve will be in there own beds and wanting there own independence and most leave home by 21 so hopefully things will get easier.

    good luck.

  7. i read an article somwhere which i would like to quote "The decision to co-sleep can be made right from the beginning as after the child is 6 months old the transition is a bit difficult. Many children usually at the age of 3 years shift into their own beds to get some independence. The baby can be made to first sleep in a bassinet and then shifted to a crib. A baby monitor can be kept next to the baby and when the baby cries a parent can attend to the baby. If co-sleeping has not been resorted in the  beginning to make a smooth transition it is always advisable to first let the baby sleep in the crib or bed (where he would be sleeping independently) during the day and then get used to it. You could also first make the baby go to sleep next to you and then shift him to his crib or bed after he is fast asleep. If the baby wakes up crying in the night he could be soothed and put back to sleep in the crib. It is always better to have the crib in your own room for the first few months of baby’s life and then shift the baby into another room.  "

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